Smart Toolbox SmartTools Pro full functional version in Chinese

 Watson Blog September 2, 2021 09:36:15 computer software comment four hundred and seventy-one Reading mode

With powerful functions, it can be called the "Swiss Army Knife" of mobile phone version, such as ruler, distance, compass, flashlight, scanner, converter, thermometer, lie detector, night vision device, etc. You can know it by experiencing it.

智能工具箱 SmartTools Pro 汉化全功能版

Smart Tools – Handy Carpenter Box
"Ruler: measured dimensions and angles of different objects. Dimensions can be calibrated manually.
"Level gauge: check the horizontal position of the surface, support the camera level, and can be calibrated.
"Tachometer: GPS needs to be enabled to test the maximum speed, average speed and distance.
"Flashlight: It supports flashing, continuous flash frequency, pressing and holding and constant lighting.
"Sound: signal peak value, sound decibel peak value, support comparison.
"Location: locate the current location map of the current GPS coordinates and altitude.
"Distance: the distance is measured by the distance and height of the camera aiming at the target.
"Speed gun: calibrate the compass and use the camera to aim at the target to measure the speed.
Compass: Help you find the right direction.
Magnifier: Magnifying is a small object that is hard to see, and it supports flash.
"Mirror: I see myself using the front camera.
"Protractor: measure the slope of any object using the camera and virtual weight.
Stopwatch: it measures the time accurately, and it also includes the countdown option.
"Metal detector: detect the magnetic field of nearby substances and observe the real-time chart.
"Vibrometer: Richter scale based on observation of real-time seismograph data. The algorithm is automatically calibrated.
"Photometer: measure the photometric environment (lux).
Color: any object color in RGB format captured by the camera.
"Converter: Convert between different currencies and physical units, and the currency will be updated automatically.
"Microphone: microphone, amplifier, equalizer, input/output can be internal, Switch between AUX and BT.
"Metronome: The classic metronome can adjust the rhythm.
"Tuner: Adjust the tone of your voice or instrument. It can also correct the tone.
"Sao tracer: use the camera Sao to trace the 2v code.
"NFC card reader: read the NFC card that supports the NFC function.
"Cardiogram: measure your heart rate and observe the real-time pulse image with the camera. Intelligent algorithm to filter out noise.
"Dog Whistle: Choose the dog who calls you between different loud voices and volumes.
"Random: a customized range for generating random numbers.
"Time zone: display the current time anywhere.
"Thermometer: display the current temperature, humidity and air pressure.
"Drag racing: measure vehicle performance. Switch between acceleration and braking tests, including automatic start/stop functions and diagrams.
"Battery tester: test the battery of your device.
"Night vision device: the camera detects objects in the dark.
"Calculator: basic calculation.
"Counter: basic calculation.
"Pedometer: calculate the daily walking distance.
"Physical quality indicators: test various physical indicators;
"Period tracker: record the date of the big aunt and the period date, and calculate the average period;
"Lie detector: test according to predetermined questions;
"Translator: use camera Sao to trace and translate;
"Notebook: a simple text memo;
"Battery test: use CPU+GPS+vibration+flashlight to test the battery power consumption, power consumption speed and remaining time.

by derrin

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