What is the price of genuine cad software? How much is a set? (Detailed explanation of different versions)

AutoCad, It is a necessary software for architectural designers and mechanical designers. Because of its excellent functions, it is widely loved by the public. A good software can make our work become very excellent! Therefore, installing a perfectly usable AutoCad is the first thing that every designer must complete!

However, the price of AutoCad may be more impressive, and ordinary people will have financial pressure to buy it! Let's talk about the price of the genuine AutoCad and the different prices of different versions on the market!

What is the price of genuine cad software?

The price of genuine software can be directly checked on the official website. The price is clear and real! I went to have a look just now. It seems that I'm just doing an activity. I don't know what discount or no discount you got when you went to see it!

One year: original price 8210/year, activity price 6979/year

Three years: original price 22176/year, active price 18849/year

The use cost of software is tens of thousands of thousands of dollars a year. For ordinary designers, with an annual salary of 100000 yuan a year, buying a set of genuine software is still a real pressure! Now there are some domestic software similar to cad, and the price is about 5000 yuan a year, so AutoCad has been reducing the price. I remember that in the past few years, the genuine version cost tens of thousands of yuan a year!

cad 软件正版价位?多少钱一套?(不同版本详解)

The above is the screenshot of my official website. Now this price is still a discount price!

Zero yuan purchase for students and teachers

If you are a teacher or student of a design school, you can apply for zero yuan purchase on the official website. The application conditions are quite strict, after all, it costs so much a year. This is a special care for students and teachers in educational institutions who have no ability to consume. In fact, it is to let you learn the use of CAD, so that you can form a habit. When you come out to earn money, you can't do without him, and then pay for it! At the beginning, the high price shut you out, and there will be few people who can meet it later!

cad 软件正版价位?多少钱一套?(不同版本详解)

Low price cracking version

Another version is the cracked version, which is our favorite version. As you know, there is a special group of people in our country who are doing this, cracking these foreign high priced software, and then giving you benefits!

How much is the cracked version? The price ranges from tens to thousands! Is there a difference? There is no difference. The functions are the same as those of the genuine version, except that registration and activation are not required.

The following is the perfect free version of CAD compiled by Xiao Bian on the Internet. (Please support the genuine version. This is only for your study and research, not for commercial use)!

Download address: https://wosn.net/ziyuan/142.html

How to select each version

The choice of version depends on your own situation. If you are a company, you'd better support the genuine version. Generally, large companies pay more attention to copyright. If you are a student, you can still try to apply for zero yuan purchase. It is a little troublesome, but it may be successful. If you are an ordinary individual, you can choose the cracking version. In China, too many people use cracking!

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on August 18, 2021 01:00:14
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