Is there a free version of cad software? (Latest acquisition method)

Many design friends will use AutoCad. When installing CAD, we all know that you need to register and activate it to use it normally. Many friends download various versions on the Internet, and finally the activation box pops up and can't be used! After looking for a long time, I couldn't find the CAD version that can be tried for free.

So, is there a free version of CAD? The answer is "Yes"! Now let's give you a detailed introduction!

Method of obtaining free version of cad software

1. Free trial version

After we download and install CAD, if you are installing and using CAD for the first time, the system will prompt you that you can try it for 30 days for free. After 30 days of trial, the system will pop up the activation registration window. If you do not activate the registration in time, you will not be able to use it normally. So, if you want to use it for free, the first way is to try it for 30 days. If you only need to use CAD for a short time, then choose this method!

cad 软件有免费的版本吗?(最新获取方法)

2. Student Education Edition

The CAD official can apply for the registration version for students and educators for free. As long as you can prove that you are a student or teacher of a design major in an institution, the CAD official can issue you a genuine activation code for free. The time of issuance is one year. After one year, you need to renew your contract before you can use it again.

cad 软件有免费的版本吗?(最新获取方法)

Application address:

After the application address is opened, there is a video introduction of the operation steps to teach you how to apply.

Materials required for application: register the official CAD account, fill in the student or teacher school information, teacher qualification certificate or student card, name of the school in attendance, school certificate, etc. If you are really a student or teacher, you can still apply through this way, which is not too troublesome! After the information is submitted, the official review time is within 7 days, and it can be passed within 7 days!

3. Permanently use the installation package

cad 软件有免费的版本吗?(最新获取方法)

If neither of the above two methods is suitable for you, then this method must be suitable for you and everyone. It is to download the installation package for permanent use and the registration free version. This version can be directly installed and used after downloading, that is, the cracked version. Its functions are the same without any difference. One time installation and permanent use, personally recommended!

Permanent use installation package download address:

The above are three ways for free trial of CAD organized by Xiao Bian. I hope they can help you!

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