Pinterest pushpin software download (Apple version+Android version)

Pinterest is a very popular app in the world. It is a social app with pictures as the media. It can be said that it is a picture version of Twitter, and is one of the world's largest social network platforms. At home, we call it "pushpin". Our own excellent photos can be shared on the platform with netizens around the world, and others can also reprint your photos for more netizens who like your photos to see.

Recently, many friends found that pinterest could not be downloaded. No matter how to find it in the app store, they could not find it. What they searched out were some irrelevant apps. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to download pinterest from Apple and Android phones!

Download pinterest pushpin software

1. Apple version download

When Apple phones download apps, we go to the App Store to download them. We can search the name of the software we need directly, and generally find the APP we need. But pinterest can't be found in the AppStore. If I'm not wrong, what you find must be the following picture.

Not only you, but also friends in China. So, how can I download to pinterest? Here we need an Apple ID in the outer zone. As we all know, Apple mobile phones need to log in an Apple ID to download apps. Domestic friends can't download it because mainland IDs are restricted. However, the outer zone ID is not limited. Therefore, if you want to solve the problem of downloading pinterest, you need to find an Apple ID in a non mainland region and log in to the App Store to successfully download it. To this end, Xiao Bian spent a lot of effort to register an American Apple ID. After landing, he searched for pinterest, as shown in the figure below!

Is it very friendly? Pinterest appears and can be downloaded and installed normally! At the end of the article, we will share the Apple ID required for downloading.

2. Download for Android

There are differences in downloading Android version, but the principle is similar. To put it bluntly, go to the app store where you can download pinterest. If domestic app stores can't download, we can go to foreign app stores to download. There are only "Google App Store", the largest app store in the world. Naturally, pinterest can also download in it. But if domestic friends want to open Google App Store, they need to solve the network problem here. Access to the domestic network is limited. How to solve the network problem? You can find your own way. Here is just a way of thinking. If you feel troublesome, you can download the installation package I shared directly!

Download address of pinterest

Many kids may have little knowledge about the operation of network applications. Here I have sorted out the installation package of pinterest, Apple version and Android version. Those who are troublesome can download them directly. They are all the latest versions!

Download address:

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