How to download the international clothing for stimulating the battlefield? (Apple+Android mobile download tutorial)

Stimulating Battlefield is a mobile game. There are many players in China, and it can be said that it is a very popular game! I often see children of all ages playing on the bus or subway. There are a lot of children, brothers and sisters. It seems that many little sisters prefer to play this game (although it is very delicious)!

In recent years, I have been playing in the national service to stimulate the battlefield. After several years of training, I think that the technology is OK. So I wanted to go to the International Service, but downloading the version of the Stimulating Battlefield International Service became my biggest stumbling block. At first, I didn't know how to download it, and I couldn't find it in any major app store. After the efforts of the little editor, it was finally downloaded perfectly. Here I put my download experience together, hoping to help you who want to play international service successfully install and download! I tell you quietly that it seems that the technology of international clothes is not as powerful as that of domestic partners! Now let's go to the download tutorial!


How to download the international clothing for stimulating the battlefield?

The download of Stimulating Battlefield International Service needs to distinguish between devices, Apple mobile phone and Android mobile phone. The two mobile phones are IOS system and Android system respectively. Because the systems are different, the download methods are also different. Here are the download methods for you!

Download method of Apple mobile phone

When Apple mobile phone users download games, they usually search directly in the AppStore. Yes, that's the only way. However, the editor has also searched for them. They can't search in the AppStore, only the domestic version.


What shall I do? Since it is an international service, should we consider using the international Apple ID to download it? Apple users should know that when we download mobile software, we need to log in an Apple ID account password in the AppStore. After logging in, we can download it. Our domestic friend Apple ID is registered in China. Of course, only domestic APP can be downloaded. If you want to download international services, you need a foreign Apple ID to download normally! So Xiaobian asked a foreign friend to register a foreign Apple ID, log in to the AppStore, search for "pubg", and download the international service directly! I will share the downloaded Apple ID information at the end of the article!


Android phone download method

Android phones cannot be downloaded from domestic app stores. It should be that the international service is not available in domestic app stores. Since that's the case, where are we going to download it? Of course, the "Google Play Games" can be downloaded from the world's largest game app store. You just need to search Google Play to find it.


But there is a problem here. Maybe some friends can't even open Google search. This is to solve the network problem by themselves!

Latest download address

Some children read the method introduced in the article, but it may still be in the clouds. For the convenience of children, download and install the package directly here. You can download and install from the following download address, and I have sorted it out for you!

Download address:

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