IDevs theme, WordPress free simple Pjax theme

 Watson Blog October 13, 2017 00:15:28 Wordpress Theme comment eight hundred and sixty-six one Reading mode

IDevs theme is a free Ajax theme for wordpress. Although it is a free theme for wordpress, its quality is better than some paid themes. You can try the specific effect yourself.


IDevs theme, WordPress free simple Pjax theme

Interface Preview


IDevs theme, WordPress free simple Pjax theme [home page]


IDevs theme, WordPress free simple Pjax theme [article page]


  1. Lightweight and simple design style
  2. Lightweight installation volume (only about 100K)
  3. Full PJAX without refresh operation (cheering bar)
  4. Responsive layout (no more details, you can experience it yourself)
  5. Multi skin replacement in the foreground (cookies will save settings)
  6. Strong performance optimization (excellent framework of iDevise)
  7. Random picture Banner (if your environment cannot open Banner, please leave a message and modify it in the next version)
  8. Ajax comments, leave the rest of the highlights to you who love to find

Subject statement

The theme has joined the copyright protection mechanism for the first time experimentally. Please do not delete the theme copyright without authorization, or it may cause a series of strange consequences.

You can recover the copyright and use the theme normally. If you really can't accept our copyright protection method, please try changing another theme.

I hope you can understand how much free theme developers care about copyright, and thank you very much for your support of themes and design notes.


Same as the iDevise theme, because the theme setting panel is rarely used, I did not add the setting panel function to the theme, but put the relevant settings into my profile. To add friendship links and statistical codes, please go to the background>Users>My Profile, at the bottom for editing. At the same time, the introduction to the end of the article and the page is also the called profile, so it is recommended to fill in the profile as detailed as possible.

Theme download

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on October 13, 2017 00:15:28
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