Blue and white two column responsive free wordpress blog theme: CUI 1.0 (updated to 2.0)

 Watson Blog October 4, 2017 13:35:57 Wordpress Theme comment three hundred and twenty-six Reading mode


 Blue and white two column responsive free wordpress blog theme: CUI 1.0 (updated to 2.0)

This is a blue and white two column responsive free wordpress blog theme, named CUI, version 1.0. This is a WordPress blog theme developed by the WordPress theme network in Cuizhulin. Although there are many free blog themes in China, there are few elegant, simple, fresh and free ones. CUI 1.0 refers to the visual design of many excellent blog topics in China, and strives to be simple. In terms of content layout, CUI 1.0 uses a common two column format. White is the main color of CUI 1.0, and the background color is gray white. At the same time, with blue as the matching color, the sky blue feels clean and open. At the same time, the front end also adopts the currently popular responsive design, which can independently adapt to mobile phones and computer devices.

Topic Preview

 Blue and white two column responsive free wordpress blog theme: CUI 1.0 (updated to 2.0)

CUI 1.0 is a universal blog theme, suitable for blogs with various contents, such as front-end technology, product design (product manager), graphic design, web design, back-end technology (PHP, python,java,.NET,C#), Server operation and maintenance technology (linux, nginx,apache,IIS,windows), Website operation promotion (SEO, sem, CPS, brand marketing planning), in addition to Internet related content, other personal blogs such as film and television, music sharing, big data, intelligent hardware, financial stocks, animation and games, we media are also suitable.

Theme function features

1. Responsive design

2. Pull down navigation

3. Touch the scrolling slide, which can be customized in the background. It supports up to 7 slides. If you do not need a slide, you can set it in the background

4. Latest announcement under navigation

5. Powerful advertising space management function, independently set in the background

6. Add secondary navigation at the top of the navigation, and set it independently in the background

7. The top of the right column supports various social contact links, making it easier for users to find you

8. A full featured gadget to create a unique blog layout, including popular recommendations, popular tags, etc

9. Customize the article page chip function, which is conducive to SEO

10. 8 relevant pictures and texts on the article page, which is conducive to SEO

11. The article page supports the "like" function, increases interaction with users, and supports the "share" function, which is conducive to SEO and promotion

12. Navigation and scrolling and fixing function of the last module in the right column

13. Customized editing at the bottom of the page in the background

CUI 2.0 update description

1. Abnormal display of optimized Baidu sharing

2. Optimize the mobile terminal navigation drop-down menu

3. Optimize gadget comment function

4. Optimize the style of friendship link module

5. Optimize the comment function to improve the website speed

6. Optimize the description and keywords call rules to make them conform to SEO

7. Optimize front-end code to make it more concise

8. Optimize QQ contact function and email message sending function

Topic Instructions

Extract and upload the theme to the wp content/themes folder

Background ->Appearance ->Theme ->CUI 1.0 ->Enable

Theme download address

 Watson Blog
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