Go. php source code of the external link jump page

It is a good function to add external chain go jump effect to the website, which is both beautiful and can avoid weight loss. Today, I saw a good example on the AE blog“ Outlink Jump Page go.php Source code ", modified to adaptive size, moved to share with everyone. The renderings are as follows:


Go. php source code of the external link jump page

The codes are as follows:

  1. <? php
  2. /**
  3. ?*? Auto jump page
  4. ?*/
  5. //Custom Jump Address
  6. $cars ?=? array (
  7. ??? array ( "aliyun" ,'https: //promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/ambassador/sharetouser.html? userCode=f3u8zuxq&utm_source=f3u8zuxq'),
  8. ??? array ( "qiniu" ,'https: //portal.qiniu.com/signup/choice? code=3lia9uiard2s2'),
  9. ??? array ( "360" ,'http: //webscan.360.cn/index/checkwebsite/url/wosn.net')
  10. ???);
  11. if ( strlen ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'])?>? 384?||
  12. ???? strpos ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'],? "eval(" )?||
  13. ???? strpos ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'],? "base64" ))? {
  14. ????????@ header( "HTTP/1.1?414?Request-URI?Too?Long" );
  15. ????????@ header( "Status:?414?Request-URI?Too?Long" );
  16. ????????@ header( "Connection:?Close" );
  17. ????????@ exit ;
  18. }
  19. //Get complete incoming data through QUERY_STRING, and then get all the values after url=for better compatibility
  20. $t_url ?=? htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/^url=(.*)$/i',' $1 ', $_SERVER [ "QUERY_STRING" ]));
  21. //Here you can customize some special outer links, and delete the following 5 lines without any need
  22. foreach ( $cars ? as ? $k => $val ){
  23. ???? if ( $t_url == $val [0]?)? {
  24. ?????? $t_url ?=?? $val [1];
  25. ?????? $t_vip ?=? 1;
  26. ????}
  27. }
  28. //Data processing
  29. if (! empty empty ( $t_url ))? {
  30. ???? //Judge whether the value is encrypted
  31. ???? if ? ( $t_url ?==? base64_encode ( base64_decode ( $t_url )))? {
  32. ???????? $t_url ?=?? base64_decode ( $t_url );
  33. ????}
  34. ???? //Check and judge the URL of the value
  35. ???? preg_match('/^(http|https|thunder|qqdl|ed2k|Flashget|qbrowser):\/\ //i',$t_url,$matches);
  36. if ( $matches ){
  37. ???? $url = $t_url ;
  38. ???? $title ='The page is loading, please wait...';
  39. }? else ? {
  40. ???? preg_match('/\./ i', $t_url , $matche );
  41. ???? if ( $matche ){
  42. ???????? $url ='http: //'.$ t_url;
  43. ???????? $title ='The page is loading, please wait...';
  44. ????}? else ? {
  45. ???????? $url ?=?' http: //'.$_ SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  46. ???????? $title ='Parameter error, returning to home page...';
  47. ????}
  48. }
  49. }? else ? {
  50. ???? $title ?=?' Missing parameter, returning to the home page... ';
  51. ???? $url ?=?' http: //'.$_ SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  52. }
  53. ?>
  54. <html>
  55. <!--
  56. @name:aeink? goto
  57. @Description: Outlink Jump Page
  58. @Author: Moyuan
  59. @time:2017-09-22
  60. @author? url:http: //www.aeink.com/791.html
  61. @Ps: If you want to delete it, I can't stop seeing your consciousness!!
  62. -->
  63. <head>
  64. <meta? http-equiv= "Content-Type" ? content= "text/html;?charset=UTF-8" >
  65. <meta? name= "viewport" ? content= "width=device-width" >
  66. <meta? name= "robots" ? content= "noindex,?nofollow" ?/>
  67. <noscript><meta? http-equiv= "refresh" ? content= "1; url='<?php?echo?$url;?>'; " ></noscript>
  68. <meta? charset= "UTF-8" >
  69. <!-- [ if ? IE?8]>
  70. <style>
  71. .ie8?. alert-circle,.ie8?.alert-footer{display:none}.ie8?. alert-box{padding-top:75px}.ie8?. alert-sec-text{top:45px}
  72. </style>
  73. <! [ endif ]-->
  74. <title><? php? echo ? $title ;?></ title>
  75. <style>
  76. body{margin:0; Padding: 0; background: # E6EAEB; font family: Arial, 'Microsoft Yahei', 'Tahoma', sans serif}. main {position: absolute; left:calc(50%?-? 200px); top:calc(50%?-? 13em)}.alert-box{display:none;position:relative;margin:auto;padding:180px?85px?22px;border-radius:10px?10px?0?0;background:#FFF;box-shadow:5px?9px?17px?rgba(102,102,102,.75); width:286px;color:#FFF;text-align:center}.alert-box?p{margin:0}.alert-circle{position:absolute;top:-50px;left:111px}.alert-sec-circle{stroke-dashoffset:0; stroke-dasharray:735;transition:stroke-dashoffset?1s?linear}.alert-sec-text{position:absolute; top:11px;left:190px;width:76px;color:#000;font-size:68px}.alert-sec-unit{font-size:34px}.alert-body{margin:35px?0}.alert-head{color:#242424;font-size:28px}.alert-concent{margin:25px? 0? 14px; color:#7B7B7B;font-size:18px}.alert-concent?p{line-height:27px}.alert-btn{display:block;border-radius:10px;background-color:#4AB0F7;height:55px;line-height:55px;width:286px;color:#FFF;font-size:20px;text-decoration:none;letter-spacing:2px}.alert-btn:hover{background-color:#6BC2FF}.alert-footer{margin:0? auto;height:42px;width:120px}.alert-footer-icon{float:left}.alert-footer-text{float:left;border-left:2px?solid?#EEE;padding:3px?0?0?5px;height:40px;color:#0B85CC;font-size:12px;text-align:left}.alert-footer-text?p{color:#7A7A7A; font-size:22px;line-height:18px}
  77. </style>
  78. </head>
  79. <body? class = "ie8" ? style= "" >
  80. <div? class = "main" >
  81. ????< div?id= "js-alert-box" ? class = "alert-box" ? style= "display:block" >
  82. ????????< svg? class = "alert-circle" ? width= "234" ? height= "234" ><circle? cx= "117" ? cy= "117" ? r= "108" ? fill= "#FFF" ? stroke= "#43AEFA" ? stroke-width= "17" ></circle><circle? id= "js-sec-circle" ? class = "alert-sec-circle" ? cx= "117" ? cy= "117" ? r= "108" ? fill= "transparent" ? stroke= "#F4F1F1" ? stroke-width= "18" ? transform= "rotate(-90?117?117)" ? style= "stroke-dashoffset:-514px" ></circle><text? class = "alert-sec-unit" ? x= "100" ? y= "172" ? fill= "#BDBDBD" >Seconds</text></svg>
  83. ????????< div?id= "js-sec-text" ? class = "alert-sec-text" >
  84. ???????????? three
  85. ????????</ div>
  86. ????????< div? class = "alert-body" >
  87. ????????????< div?id= "js-alert-head" ? class = "alert-head" >
  88. ????????????????<? php? echo ? $title ;?>
  89. ????????????</ div>
  90. ????????????< div? class = "alert-concent" >
  91. ????????????????< p>
  92. ???????????????????? Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day
  93. ????????????????</ p>
  94. ????????????</ div>
  95. ????????????< a?id= "js-alert-btn" ? class = "alert-btn" ? href= "<?php?echo?$url;?>" >Go now</a>
  96. ????????</ div>
  97. ????????< div? class = "alert-footer?clearfix" >
  98. ????????????< svg?width= "46px" ? height= "42px" ? class = "alert-footer-icon" ><circle? fill-rule= "evenodd" ? clip-rule= "evenodd" ? fill= "#7B7B7B" ? stroke= "#DEDFE0" ? stroke-width= "2" ? stroke-miterlimit= "10" ? cx= "21.917" ? cy= "21.25" ? r= "17" ></circle><path? fill= "#FFF" ? d= "M22.907,27.83h-1.98l0.3-2.92c-0.37-0.22-0.61-0.63-0.61-1.1c0-0.71,0.58-1.29,1.3-1.29s1.3,0.58,1.3,1.29?c0,0.47-0.24,0.88-0.61,1.1L22.907,27.83z?M18.327,17.51c0-1.98,1.61-3.59,3.59-3.59s3.59,1.61,3.59,3.59v2.59h-7.18V17.51z?M27.687,20.1v-2.59c0-3.18-2.59-5.76-5.77-5.76s-5.76,2.58-5.76,5.76v2.59h-1.24v10.65h14V20.1H27.687z" ></path><circle? fill-rule= "evenodd" ? clip-rule= "evenodd" ? fill= "#FEFEFE" ? cx= "35.417" ? cy= "10.75" ? r= "6.5" ></circle><polygon? fill= "#7B7B7B" ? stroke= "#7B7B7B" ? stroke-linecap= "round" ? stroke-linejoin= "round" ? stroke-miterlimit= "10" ? points= "35.417,12.16?32.797,9.03?31.917,10.07?35.417,14.25?42.917,5.29?42.037,4.25?" ></polygon></svg>
  99. ????????????< div? class = "alert-footer-text" >
  100. ????????????????< p> Secure</p>secure encryption
  101. ????????????</ div>
  102. ????????</ div>
  103. ????</ div>
  104. </div>
  105. <script? type= "text/javascript" >
  106. function ? alertSet(e)? {
  107. ???? document.getElementById( "js-alert-box" ).style.display?=? "block" ,? document.getElementById( "js-alert-head" ).innerHTML?=? e;
  108. ???? var ? t?=?5,
  109. ???????? n?=?document.getElementById( "js-sec-circle" );
  110. ???? document.getElementById( "js-sec-text" ).innerHTML?=? t,?setInterval( function ()? {
  111. ???????? //Prevent other websites from calling this jump
  112. ???????? //var? MyHOST?=?new?RegExp("<?php?echo?$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];??> ");
  113. ???????? //if? (!MyHOST.test(document.referrer))? {
  114. ???????? //?? location.href="http://"?+?MyHOST;
  115. ???????? //}
  116. ???????? if ? (0?==?t)?location.href?=? "<?php?echo?$url;?>" ;
  117. ???????? else ? {
  118. ???????????? t?-=?1,?document.getElementById( "js-sec-text" ).innerHTML?=? t;
  119. ???????????? var ? e?=?Math. round (t?/?5?*?735);
  120. ???????????? n.style.strokeDashoffset?=?e?-?735
  121. ????????}
  122. ????},? 970)
  123. }?</ script>
  124. <script>alertSet( "<?php?echo?$title;?>" );</ script>
  125. </body>
  126. </html>

You can also download the go.php file directly:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dE9Q72T Password: 4j16

From: http://www.aeink.com/791.html

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on October 3, 2017 14:27:52
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/649.html
