Fiction collection txt generator_green version


Fiction is a magic tool. You don't have to worry about not finding the txt novel you want to read, or watch the disgusting advertisements full of online novels.


Fiction collection txt generator_green version demo

Software introduction:

The novel acquisition and generation TXT tool (novel acquisition and generation TXT generator) is a 24-hour automatic intelligent novel acquisition and generation TXT auxiliary software.

This software function is applicable to TXT that wants to download TXT but has no latest chapter.

The software can collect all chapters of a book on the network and generate them locally.

Update log:


1. Add a collection source station, which has many books (However, there will be some text ads on Origin 2, although I have removed most of them.)

2. Fix the problem that the title of the first book is empty after the collection of the previous version, (the problem of origin site 1 will occur more frequently.)

PS: The more chapters, the slower the speed. It is recommended to hang on the computer in advance for acquisition and generation

Download address:

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