Short Video Operation Editing Tutorial Clipping Vlog Production Teaching Course (Baidu Cloud)

Introduction to play.

01. Introduction to the function and operation interface of image clipping

02. Detailed introduction of editing function

03. Explain the addition and use of audio and sound effects

04. Explain subtitle addition, identify subtitles, identify lyrics

05. The use of picture in picture and mask

06. Explain how to adjust the video scale, video background and

07. Explanation of video key frames

08. Video shooting skills and case presentation

09. Dithering popular video clip with the same playing method and case exhibition

10. Production of popular clip videos

11. Introduction to beauty and face slimming functions

12. Tips for quickly making horizontal and vertical videos on mobile phones

13. How can mobile phones quickly find video materials

Practical combat

14. vlog video type introduction and platform recommendation

15. Notes and tools for vlog video capture

16. Packaging of vlog video clips

17. Introduction to playing methods of making music number videos on mobile phones

18. Video material search and video clip operation of music number

19. Introduction to the play method of making movie and television number video by mobile phone

20. Ways and precautions for mobile phones to find film and television materials

21. Operation I of mobile phone editing video number

22. Mobile phone video editing operation II

23. Mobile phone video editing operation III

24. Introduction to the way to make money from later realization of film and television number

25. How to make money with an applet account

26. Ways to find video materials for applets

27. Applet video clip packaging

28. Ways to enhance video optimization by clipping

Short video operation

01. Be a real quaver

02. What kind of account is easy to use now

03. How to select the appropriate account type

04. How to maintain a new account after confirming the account type

05. How to maintain an old account after confirming the account type

06. How to remove watermark - the three most simple tricks

07. How to shoot wonderful videos

08. How to edit wonderful videos

09. How to release wonderful videos

10. Must know the rules and red lines of the platform

11. You must know the process of generating popular videos

12. Completion rate, an essential element of popular videos - how to improve the completion rate

13. The necessary element of popular videos - how to improve the like rate

14. Review rate of essential elements of popular videos - how to improve the review rate

15. Attention rate of essential elements of popular videos - how to improve attention rate

16. Forwarding rate, an essential element of popular videos - how to improve the forwarding rate

17. Shortcut to popular videos - find benchmark accounts (peer excellent accounts)

18. Shortcut to popular videos - writing classic scripts

19. Shortcut to popular videos - find the right music

20. Shortcut to popular videos - how to rub and create hot topics

21. How to maintain fans and create 500 iron powder balls to obtain private domain traffic

22. What is an account tag and why should it be labeled

23. How to force labels on accounts to make their positioning clearer

24. How to skillfully use D+video heating tools

25. How to break through the bottleneck period of the account

26. What is the biggest tuyere for chattering in 2021 and how to grasp it

27. How to quickly realize interest realization from playing dithering to making money

28. Review of works and answers to current limiting questions

29. What are the ways of realizing the platform

30 Invite a large number of relatives and friends to help like comments can be popular

31. The method of account cancellation and recovery and the impact of massive deletion of videos

32. Common mistakes and FAQs of dithering

1. What to do if you can't choose goods with goods

2. What should I do if I can't write a good copy

3 Will the current of the enterprise account be limited?

33. Common mistakes and FAQs of dithering

6 Gift sharing ratio of anchors

7. How much fan praise is reasonable

8 Is the more fans the better?

9. Is it better to play more

10 What are the good software for video editing

34. Common mistakes and FAQs of dithering

What is the difference between 11D+and feed streams

12 Which five videos are white

13 Why is my video always under review

14 What tools are used to analyze other fans and live data

15 Why did my previous video become popular after a period of time

短视频运营剪辑教程剪映 vlog 制作教学课程(百度云) 短视频运营剪辑教程剪映 vlog 制作教学课程(百度云) 短视频运营剪辑教程剪映 vlog 制作教学课程(百度云) 短视频运营剪辑教程剪映 vlog 制作教学课程(百度云)

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