HTML/PHP online visual editing source code

HTML/PHP online visual editing supports external links, html, php, etc.


Modify the code online. The source code has only one html, and other external links are all Bootstrap.


Create a new file with html and php suffixes. Copy the following code to save the upload website space.




  1. <! DOCTYPE?html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. ????< meta?charset= "utf-8" >
  5. ????< Title>HTML/PHP Online Visual Editing -? Watson Blog</title>
  6. ??< link?rel= "shortcut?icon" ? href= " " ?/>
  7. ????< meta?name= "viewport" ? content= "width=device-width,?initial-scale=1.0" >
  8. ????< link?rel= "stylesheet" ? href= "//" >
  9. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  10. ????< link?rel= "stylesheet" ? href= "//" >
  11. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  12. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  13. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  14. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  15. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  16. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  17. ????<!-- [ if ? lt?IE?9]>
  18. ????< script?src= "//" ></script>
  19. ????<! [endif]-->
  20. </head>
  21. <body>
  22. <style>
  23. body{min-height:150px; padding-top:90px;background:?#f6f6f6;}.container{width:98%; padding-right:15px;padding-left:15px;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto}.CodeMirror{min-height:150px}#textareaCode{min-height:150px}#iframeResult{border:0! important;min-width:100px;width:100%;min-height:150px;background-color:#fff}@media?screen?and? (max-width:768px){#textareaCode{height:300px}. CodeMirror{height:300px}#iframeResult{display:?block;overflow:?hidden;height:300px}.form-inline{padding:6px? 0? 2px? 0}}.logo? h1{background-image:url( ); background-repeat:no-repeat;text-indent:-9999px;width:160px;height:39px;margin-top:10px;display:block}
  24. </style>
  25. <nav? class = "navbar?navbar-default?navbar-fixed-top" ? style= "background:?#96b97d;" >
  26. ??????< div? class = "container" >
  27. ????????< div? class = "navbar-header?logo" ><h1>
  28. ??????????< a? class = "navbar-brand" ? target= "_blank" ? href= " " ? style= "color:?#ff0000;" >WOSN. NET</a></h1>
  29. ????????</ div>
  30. ??????</ div>
  31. ????</ nav>
  32. ????< div? class = "container" ?>
  33. ????< div? class = "row" >
  34. ????< div? class = "col-sm-12" >
  35. ????< div? class = "panel?panel-default" >
  36. ????????< div? class = "panel-heading" >
  37. ????????????< form? class = "form-inline" >
  38. ????????< div? class = "row" >
  39. ????????????< div? class = "col-xs-6" >
  40. ?????????????????< button?type= "button" ? class = "btn?btn-default" >Source code:</button>
  41. ??????????????</ div>
  42. ??????????????< div? class = "col-xs-6?text-right" >
  43. ????????????????< button?type= "button" ? class = "btn?btn-success" ? onclick= "submitTryit()" ? id= "submitBTN" ><span? class = "glyphicon?glyphicon-send" ></span>? Click Run</button>
  44. ????????????</ div>
  45. ????????</ div>
  46. ????????????</ form>
  47. ????????</ div>
  48. ????????< div? class = "panel-body" >
  49. ????????????< textarea? class = "form-control" ?? id= "textareaCode" ? name= "textareaCode" >
  50. Editing supports external links, html, php, etc
  51. ????????</ textarea>
  52. ????????</ div>
  53. ????</ div>
  54. ????</ div>
  55. ????< div? class = "col-sm-12" >
  56. ????< div? class = "panel?panel-default" >
  57. ????????< div? class = "panel-heading" ><form? class = "form-inline" >?< button?type= "button" ? class = "btn?btn-default" >Running results</button></form></div>
  58. ????????< div? class = "panel-body" ><div? id= "iframewrapper" ></div></div>
  59. ????</ div>
  60. ????</ div>
  61. ????</ div>
  62. ????< footer>
  63. ????????< div? class = "row" >
  64. ????????????< div? class = "col-lg-12" ><hr>
  65. ????????????????< p>Copyright???2013-2017<a?target= "_blank" ? href= "//" >Watson Blog</a></p>
  66. ????????????</ div>
  67. ????????</ div>
  68. ????</ footer>
  69. </div>
  70. <script>
  71. var ? mixedMode?=? {
  72. name:? "htmlmixed" ,
  73. scriptTypes:? [{matches:?/\/x-handlebars-template|\/x-mustache/i,
  74. ??????????????? mode:? null },
  75. ?????????????? {matches:?/(text|application)\/(x-)?vb(a|script)/i,
  76. ??????????????? mode:? "vbscript" }]
  77. };
  78. var ? editor?=?CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById( "textareaCode" ),? {
  79. ???? mode:?mixedMode,
  80. ???? selectionPointer:? true ,
  81. ???? lineNumbers:? false ,
  82. ???? matchBrackets:? true ,
  83. ???? indentUnit:?4,
  84. ???? indentWithTabs:? true
  85. });
  86. window.addEventListener( "resize" ,? autodivheight);
  87. var ? x?=?0;
  88. function ? autodivheight(){
  89. ???? var ? winHeight=0;
  90. ???? if ? (window.innerHeight)? {
  91. ???????? winHeight?=?window.innerHeight;
  92. ????}? else ? if ? ((document.body)?&&? (document.body.clientHeight))? {
  93. ???????? winHeight?=?document.body.clientHeight;
  94. ????}
  95. ???? //Get the height of the browser window by going deep into the document to detect the body
  96. ???? if ? (document.documentElement?&&? document.documentElement.clientHeight)? {
  97. ???????? winHeight?=?document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  98. ????}
  99. ???? height?=?winHeight*0.3
  100. ???? editor.setSize('100%',? height);
  101. ???? document.getElementById( "iframeResult" ).style.height=? height?+? "px" ;
  102. }
  103. function ? submitTryit()? {
  104. ?? var ? text?=?editor.getValue();
  105. ?? var ? patternHtml?=?/<html[^>]*>((.|[\n\r])*)<\/html>/im
  106. ?? var ? patternHead?=?/<head[^>]*>((.|[\n\r])*)<\/head>/im
  107. ?? var ? array_matches_head?=?patternHead.exec(text);
  108. ?? var ? patternBody?=?/<body[^>]*>((.|[\n\r])*)<\/body>/im;
  109. ?? var ? array_matches_body?=?patternBody.exec(text);
  110. ?? var ? basepath_flag?=?0;
  111. ?? var ? basepath?=? '' ;
  112. ?? if (basepath_flag)? {
  113. ???? basepath?=?'<base?href= "//" ? target= "_blank" >';
  114. ??}
  115. ?? if (array_matches_head)? {
  116. ???? texttext?=?text.replace('<head>',?'< head>'?+?basepath?);
  117. ??}? else ? if ? (patternHtml)? {
  118. ???? texttext?=?text.replace('<html>',?'< head>'?+?basepath?+?'</head>');
  119. ??}? else ? if ? (array_matches_body)? {
  120. ???? texttext?=?text.replace('<body>',?'< body>'?+?basepath?);
  121. ??}? else ? {
  122. ???? text?=?basepath?+?text;
  123. ??}
  124. ?? var ? ifr?=?document.createElement( "iframe" );
  125. ?? ifr.setAttribute( "frameborder" ,? "0" );
  126. ?? ifr.setAttribute( "id" ,? "iframeResult" );
  127. ?? document.getElementById( "iframewrapper" ).innerHTML?=? "" ;
  128. ?? document.getElementById( "iframewrapper" ).appendChild(ifr);
  129. ?? var ? ifrw?=? (ifr.contentWindow)??? ifr.contentWindow?:? (ifr.contentDocument.document)??? ifr.contentDocument.document?:?ifr.contentDocument;
  130. ??;
  131. ?? ifrw.document.write(text);
  132. ?? ifrw.document.close();
  133. ?? autodivheight();
  134. }
  135. submitTryit();
  136. autodivheight();
  137. </script>
  138. </div></body>
  139. </html>

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 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on September 18, 2017 08:54:44
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
