How can I download the nba2k20 iPhone for free? (Latest detailed tutorial)

Introduction to nba2k20

Many friends who like playing basketball know such a game "nba2k20". This is a very good sports game. Its 3D effect is perfect. It is similar to real people and has strong control.

It includes a variety of game modes: 5V5 regular game mode, street basketball mode, multiplayer online game, etc. In short, friends who played said it was fun.

How to download nba2k20?

Many friends want to play nba2k20, but they don't know how to download it. They haven't found it in many app stores, so many friends give up. In fact, there are ways, but you don't know.

IOS download tutorial

When you search for nba2k20 in Apple's App Store, you find that the search result is not it at all, but some other pirated software. This means that Apple's App Store has been taken off the shelves. This does not mean that it has been taken off the shelves, but that it has been taken off the shelves in China. That is, except in China, it can be downloaded from other regions.

If we want to download it, we must first understand the principle of off shelf, and how Apple AppStore determines that our mobile phone belongs to the domestic region! Apple judges where a mobile phone is used, and the criterion is the registered address of Apple ID. In other words, if your Apple ID registration information and address belong to the mainland, you may not be able to download nba2k20. Speaking of this, many small partners began to understand that we need a non mainland Apple ID to download. Smart, that's all. If we have friends or can borrow the Apple ID in the outer area, we can easily download it.

This game is still a paid game. We need to pay for downloading and installing it. How to make it free? The method is also very simple. We just need to borrow or rent an Apple ID that has purchased this external area to log in to our mobile phone's App Store, and we can install it for free.

Apple Phone Installation Package Download

Download address:

If you are troublesome, you can directly get the ready-made Apple game download ID account from here. It is very simple, and there are detailed tutorials!

Android mobile download tutorial

The Android mobile phone editor simply mentioned here that domestic app stores cannot download it. We can go to the Google Play App Store, which can be downloaded. The download and installation cost is 5.99 dollars, equivalent to about 42 yuan per person.

Nba2k20 Game Effects

Xiaobian is an Apple mobile phone. He also installed and bought this game. The following is the effect interface of my game, which is very nice. The 3D effect is excellent, and the game is very interesting, which greatly satisfies the actions and effects that I can't achieve on the basketball court. I recommend you to try it, and the fun of playing with several friends doubles!

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Comments: 1 of which: visitor 1 blogger 0
    •  Gesanzasi
      Gesanzasi zero

      I like playing basketball very much
