Download the latest version of Facebook Android App (APK installation package)

Facebook is an online social media and social network app in the United States, headquartered in California. It was created by Zuckerberg and his classmates and roommates at Harvard University. At that time, it was also for the convenience of online communication between male and female students in the school, catching up with a wave of dividends from social media, and successfully getting on top. This entrepreneurial history was also talked about by the world, but the success was not accidental. At that time, this idea was very advanced. Now Facebook has been widely used around the world. It is very popular and has become a living habit of people. It is indispensable, just like our WeChat and Alipay.

最新版 facebook 脸书安卓 APP 下载(APK 安装包)

In order to socialize, many domestic netizens also want to make friends on Facebook, or some netizens' friends are foreign or overseas Chinese, and they urgently need to establish social contact with them on Facebook.

Netizens in China will find it troublesome for us to download Facebook. Many places can't download it, and many of the online downloads are old versions or just can't be used. This article is to tell you how to download Facebook APP correctly.

Apple mobile phone users

Apple mobile phone is not a problem. It's very simple. We can search Facebook or Facebook directly in the Apple App Store, and then we can search out the APP directly and install it directly.

最新版 facebook 脸书安卓 APP 下载(APK 安装包)

Android mobile users

Here is mainly about Android users. Many Android phone users want to download Facebook, and they usually search directly in the app store. But you will find that you can't find it. The main brands of Android phones in China are Huawei, Xiaomi, Meizu, ZTE, OPPO, VIVO, etc. They all have their own app stores, and these apps can't be downloaded at any point.

Download address of Facebook Android installation package (If it's troublesome, you can download it directly from here):

最新版 facebook 脸书安卓 APP 下载(APK 安装包)

Where can we download it?

Here, I tell you that Xiao Bian has personally visited Google App Store. You can install a Google App Store on your Android phone. After installation, you can directly search Facebook or Facebook to install and use it.

However, if we want to successfully install in Google play, we need a gamma device (find it by ourselves), because we must have a gamma device to access Google Play normally.

The above is the correct download and installation method of Facebook (Facebook) in China. Xiao Bian has tried it himself and can successfully install it.

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