How to make your own photos into cartoon avatars? (Software+Tutorial)

 Watson Blog April 14, 2021 11:13:21 Share findings comment four hundred and seventy-three Reading mode

Recently, cartoon avatars were very popular. Take your own avatar or the avatar of yourself and your husband to make a very nice cartoon avatar. Many friends want to do it, but they don't know how to do it. Most of the relevant software is charged. Do you have your own PS or AI design? What should I do? Here are three options for you to choose from.

1. Paid design

If you have to have this cartoon avatar, and you have no way to do it yourself, then OK, spend money to find someone to solve it. How to find it? You can search for "cartoon avatar design" on a treasure, and you will soon be able to find designers who can provide design services for you. However, the prices are different. They will charge according to your requirements. It's a little expensive to find someone to design. It's about tens of yuan.


2. Self design

If you are good at drawing software such as ps or sai, you can use your professional skills to design a favorite cartoon avatar for yourself. But most of my friends can't design software. Even if they can, they may not be able to make a very beautiful one, because it requires high technology. This method is only suitable for a few people, and most friends may have to refer to the following method.

3. Software generation

This is suitable for every ordinary person. Find the software that can make cartoon avatars and generate one by yourself. We all think so, but we went around and found that none of them can be done for free. They are basically charged, and the charges are not low. The software can only be used with a fee.

Here, I introduce a software that can make cartoon avatars for free, called toonme, which is a foreign cartoon avatar production software, very good. Xiao Bian has tried it, and it is effective.

自己的相片怎么制作成卡通头像?(软件+教程) 自己的相片怎么制作成卡通头像?(软件+教程)

Download Tutorials

1. Apple mobile phone: Apple users can directly search for toonme in the App Store, and download it directly. After successful download, they will let you sign up for automatic renewal, and you can refuse.

2. Android mobile phone: Android mobile phone users directly go to the app store to search and download. If they can't search, they have to use Google App Store to download. Google App Store Many friends may not be able to get it. It needs Google's three piece suite.

 Watson Blog
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