Potato chat software download (Android phone+Apple+PC version)

What is potato potato chat software?

Potato chat software is a foreign instant messaging software with a large number of users. This software is not only very popular abroad, but also has a large number of users in China. Why are so many people using it? Because its chat content is encrypted, and its privacy is very strong, today's friends attach great importance to privacy. The other thing is its powerful chat function. Its function is similar to that of Telegram, and its function is even more powerful. The most powerful is its group chat function, which can support 10000 people to communicate online at the same time. Is it very powerful. Moreover, it supports three terminals at the same time, including Apple phone, Android phone and computer terminal. We can use it on any device. This software can be used not only abroad, but also at home.

How can domestic users use it?

Many friends found that the download method could not be found in many places when they were searching for and downloading the potato potato chat software in the app store or Baidu. Here I will give you a detailed answer on how to download and use it. The computer side, Android side and Apple side will tell you how to download and install it.

1. Computer version download

When many friends download the computer terminal, they go directly to Baidu to search for "podato chat software download", but the search results will show that there is no official download address. Even if the official address is found, the official address cannot be opened. Then we looked down at the downloads in other places. Many of them were advertising applications on download software websites. It was very troublesome to download and install a lot of bundled software on computers.

Here you can directly post the download address!

Official download address: https://potato.im (Please use the following address if you can't open it)

The latest download address of the potato computer terminal: https://wosn.net/5757.html

2. Download for Android

Android mobile phone downloads are generally downloaded through the app store, and people can't search for them when they go to search. What they find are also some highly imitated software with a small amount of downloads. You can download it directly from the official address below, with the Android phone download code on it.

Official download address: https://potato.im (Please use the following address if you can't open it)

The latest download address of potato Android: https://wosn.net/5757.html

3. Apple ios download

Apple download is the most troublesome. As everyone who has used Apple phones knows, we need to log in an Apple ID when downloading software in the Apple Store. Without it, we cannot download and install software. When we downloaded and installed the potato on Apple's mobile phone, we searched directly in the app store and found that what we found was a friend making software. To put it bluntly, we couldn't find it. What we found was a software that wiped the download amount, not what we wanted.

How can I download the iPhone?

First of all, we need an Apple ID in Hong Kong or abroad to log into our app store. Remember to log in to the app store (here you can log in and log out at any time), not to log in to the settings (there is a risk of locked phones logging in to the settings). Where does Apple ID come from? We can use the ID shared by others or borrow it from friends.

After we get the ID, we directly log in to the AppStore and search for the potato chat. At this time, the official software we want is displayed. If you find it troublesome, you can download it directly through the following download method. The editor has sorted out all the things you need!

Downloading tutorials for Apple mobile phones (including foreign Apple IDs): https://wosn.net/7727.html

Solve unstable problems

After some friends download and install the potato software, when the network is unavailable, we switch to the network and try again. If it still fails, we can handle it as follows.

1. Fill in the activation code: After downloading and installing the potato, open the potato, click Use Now, click Network Diagnosis, and then click the activation code. Fill in the activation code here.

2. If you are prompted that the activation code cannot be used, this situation is completely normal. We can ignore it and return to the normal registration with the mobile phone number.

3. Make sure that the phone is activated when there is only one phone card in the phone. Try the WiFi and traffic switching operations.

4. Can't receive registration SMS? Shutdown and restart are registered and can be received generally.

5. What if I can't receive the verification code all the time? At this time, we need to wait for a while to try again. It may be that we have jammed SMS messages, and then our mobile phone has been blocked for several times. It will be fine in a while.

Tip: The activation code can only be used when the network link fails. We can not use it when the network link is normal.

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on December 5, 2023 17:36:48
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/5754.html
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      It's really good

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