Can't Google play open? Flash back? (Latest solution)

Google play is called "Google App Store" in China. It is used by a large number of people all over the world. Android phones are used everywhere. Google App Store has gathered excellent APPs from all over the world for Android users to download. When you are using Google Play, you may be confused and frustrated when you encounter the problem of not opening or flashing back. However, don't worry too much, because this is a common situation. This article will provide you with the latest solutions to help you solve these problems and restore your normal use experience.


Since Google quit China, it has become difficult for users in China to use Google App Store. Frequently, it is impossible to open, access, flash back, load failure, etc.

Why can't I open it?

1. The first thing to consider is that Google's application market services in China will not be maintained. Since Google withdrew from the Chinese market, it has stopped technical support and application updates for Chinese user services, which makes it difficult for a large number of domestic users to download their favorite applications in Google Play.

2. The domestic mobile phones are updated too fast. Now the domestic smart phone market can be said to be changing with each passing day. A large number of mobile phones have emerged and are very easy to use. They are no longer as stuck as before. It is for this reason that some applications cannot keep up with the pace, and these mobile phones will also provide their own app download stores, crowding out non brand stores.

How to solve it?

Here is a small compilation of detailed explanations for you. The tools and methods contained in it will be provided to you. The goal of this article is to solve the problem of installing Google Play and Google Store on Android phones, so that they can run normally and download applications without flashback.


1. Install Google Play in Google Store

First of all, we need to install Google Store on our mobile phones. The first thing you must think of is to go to Baidu to search and download, but the download and installation package in the search results are years ago, and this download to mobile phones is certainly not normal. We must download the latest ones. The latest ones can be downloaded from Google's official website (many people can't access Google's official website). Here we will provide you with the latest download address, and the attachments at the bottom will be sorted and downloaded.

2. Google Services

If we want to download and use Google App Store and download and install apps on it, we must install Google services. Its role is to serve as the support platform for Google software in Android system, because the underlying communication services and visual applications of many Google applications are based on it. Where to download? Don't worry, the following will be sorted out for you.

3. Google Services Framework

Google's service framework plays a supporting role. We need to follow various terms and rules when downloading or running apps. Without this framework, the apps we download will fail to install. Even if we install them, the apps will flash back and stop running.

The above three tools are our legendary Google Three Piece Kit. With them, we can download APP in Google App Store and use related applications.

Which phones are suitable for?

This method is suitable for most Android phones and can be used basically. The common Huawei mobile phones, vivo mobile phones, Xiaomi mobile phones, Samsung, OPPO, ZTE, Meizu, etc. in the market can basically be realized through the above three tools.

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