WordPress Tutorial: Plug in free inserting QQ emoticons into articles

 Watson Blog September 15, 2017 18:24:42 WordPress comment one hundred and seventy-nine Reading mode

Sometimes, an expression plays a role that cannot be described in words. I believe that we often chat with QQ expressions, which is a deep experience. Some blogs insert expressions that are not so stiff, expressing emotions more abundantly, and making it easier for readers to browse.


Expression Pack Preparation

Download the emoticon package, decompress it locally and upload it to the img directory of your theme directory. If there is no such directory, create a new one.

Deployment Code

Add the following code to functions.php. Note that the emoticon address of line 7 in the code is img/smilies Change to your own file path.

  1. /*? code? Share from: Free Fish Blog*/
  2. //Output WordPress emoticons??
  3. function ? fa_get_wpsmiliestrans(){
  4. ???? global ? $wpsmiliestrans ;
  5. ???? $wpsmilies ?=? array_unique ( $wpsmiliestrans );
  6. ???? foreach ( $wpsmilies ? as ? $alt ?=>? $src_path ){
  7. ???????? $output ?.=?'< a? class = "add-smily" ? data-smilies= "'.$alt.'" ><img? class = "wp-smiley" ? src= "'.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/img/smilies/'.rtrim($src_path,?" gif ").'gif" ?/></ a>';
  8. ????}
  9. ???? return ? $output ;
  10. }
  11. add_action('media_buttons_context',?' fa_smilies_custom_button');
  12. function ? fa_smilies_custom_button( $context )? {
  13. ???? $context ?.=?'< style>.smilies-wrap{background:#fff; border:?1px?solid?#ccc;box-shadow:?2px?2px?3px?rgba(0,? 0,? 0,? 0.24); padding:?10px;position:?absolute;top:?60px;width:?380px;display:none}.smilies-wrap?img{height:24px; width:24px;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:5px}?.is-active.smilies-wrap{display:block}</style><a? id= "insert-media-button" ? style= "position:relative" ? class = "button?insert-smilies?add_smilies" ? title= Add emoticon ? data-editor= "content" ? href= "javascript:;" >
  14. ???? Add emoticons
  15. ????</ a><div? class = "smilies-wrap" >'.? fa_get_wpsmiliestrans()?.'</ div><script>jQuery(document).ready( function (){jQuery(document).on( "click" ,? ".insert-smilies" , function ()? {? if (jQuery( ".smilies-wrap" ).hasClass( "is-active" )){jQuery( ".smilies-wrap" ).removeClass( "is-active" );} else {jQuery( ".smilies-wrap" ).addClass( "is-active" );}}); jQuery(document).on( "click" ,? ".add-smily" , function ()? {?send_to_editor( "?" ?+? jQuery(this).data( "smilies" )?+? "?" ); jQuery( ".smilies-wrap" ).removeClass( "is-active" ); return ? false;});});</script>';
  16. ???? return ? $context ;
  17. }

Css beautification

After completing the above operations, you will see a Add emoticons Indicates that the addition was successful.

But when you use it, you will find that when you publish an expression, it will occupy a separate line, and sometimes the expression looks very small instead of the original size, which requires you to modify the CSS.

Add the following code to style.css:

  1. .wp-smiley? {
  2. ???? displayWordPress教程:免插件在文章中插入QQ表情 inline - block ?! important;? /*In order to make the expression not exclusive*/
  3. ???? height : 24px ?! important; /*To make the emoticon not conflict with the default CSS code, make the emoticon display larger*/
  4. ???? max-heightWordPress教程:免插件在文章中插入QQ表情 24px ?! important; /*To make the emoticon not conflict with the default CSS code, make the emoticon display larger*/
  5. }

See if it is perfect: mrgreen:?: neutral:? :evil:? :idea:? :wink:? :eek:? :lol:? :sad:? :!:?WordPress教程:免插件在文章中插入QQ表情

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  • This article is written by Published on September 15, 2017 18:24:42
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/557.html
