Chinese original minimalist adaptive wordpress blog topic: Crazy uncle

Article Introduction

This theme is adaptive, simple to make, simple to interface and operate. It is a simple blog theme and a super invincible weapon. This design layout is the favorite of foreign Daniel.

国人原创极简自适应wordpress博客主题:Crazy uncle

Theme installation

Installation method 1: background installation (recommended)

1. Download

2. Go to the background ->Appearance ->Installation theme ->Upload ->Select cu2.3. zip ->Install now

Installation method 2: manual installation

1. Download

3. Extract the cu folder, and delete cu2.3. zip

4. Upload the cu folder to the WordPress theme directory (/wp content/themes/)

5. Enter background ->appearance ->theme ->enable cu


Page - create a home page, select the template as a forced home page, and then go to the WP background - set - read - a static page - theme to select the home page created for you, Article page not selected

To modify the content of the homepage, go to the WP background - appearance - editor to find page-home.php to modify the text. The avatar is in the images of the theme pack, and you can use ftp to modify it!

SEO, I don't think personal blog is necessary... But if necessary, DX-SEO is the first choice!

Preview Download

Theme download
  • Subject name: Crazy uncle
  • Theme Author: Crazy Uncle
  • Application platform: wordpress
  • Theme Version: v2.3
  • Theme size: 89kb
  • Download password: eewv
[yanshi] Theme Preview [/yanshi]

Update log

2015.12.5 Page delay display; Back to top button; Remove redundant background display

September 19, 2016 fixed the detail problems that have occurred for more than a year, beautified the style of the navigation on the right side of the mobile phone interface, modified the background color of the code, and modified all the words to "Microsoft JhengHei", which may feel more artistic!

2.2 Version update content: modify and enrich the details of css, add icon display of new articles written within 24 hours, reserve the form of articles for the next update to add richer article templates

Version 2.3 update: SEO has been optimized, and the method of letting people use plug-ins has been canceled. It is purely automatic. Note: After the 2.2 update, many people ask why there are numbers in the upper right corner of the avatar, which is a display of the number of new articles published within 24 hours.... If you don't like it, please remove the corresponding code by yourself...

  1. <? php? if ? (get_posts_count_from_last_24h()?!=?' 0')? {??>
  2. ????< div? class = "zjgx" ><? php? echo ? get_posts_count_from_last_24h();??></ div>
  3. <? php?}? else ? {?}??>

There are two files in the above code, page-home.php and header.php

Article form? Next version added!

important clause

The copyright of this topic belongs to the original author. The above sharing is only for learning and exchange.

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on September 15, 2017 11:53:32
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
