How much is the genuine solidworks? (Detailed price description)

SolidWorks is an engineering software specially used for 3D cad product design in the fields of design, engineering, manufacturing, product data management, etc.

We all know whether it is easy to use. Now that so many friends are using it, they must also know the benefits. Many friends are concerned about its price. What is the official price?

How much is the genuine solidworks?

I directly opened the official website of SolidWorks to check the price. After a round of searching, I couldn't find the specific price. If we need to buy, let's contact the dealer or the official 400 dian to inquire about the price and purchase. In fact, it's a bit of a chicken rib. It's too troublesome for buyers to know the price intuitively. I couldn't help it. In order to let you know the price, I called the official 400 dial and asked about the price. The other customer, Fu, gave me a detailed explanation, as follows:

SolidWorks software version mainly includes three versions: basic version (standard version): 48000 yuan (most commonly used), intermediate version (professional version): 60000 yuan, and advanced package (platinum version): 79600 yuan.

It's hard to accept the price, ha ha! How expensive! However, for those who really need it, they will not be stingy with the money. After all, it will produce greater value! What are the differences between versions? Of course, there are some functional differences. Your version has more advanced and useful functions!

solidworks 正版多少钱一套?(详细价格说明)

Download the free version of solidworks

Here, I believe that for many friends who study and learn to use, it is unlikely to spend so much money to buy a set. Generally, they download the free version online! Here is just the right place. I have collected a set from the network, which can be used for personal testing, and shared with you!

solidworks 正版多少钱一套?(详细价格说明)

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