How can Google Earth not be used? Cannot be opened? (Perfect Solution Tutorial)

Google Earth is a global software. There are a large number of users in the world. You can see places you have never been to. We can not only see the panorama of the area we want to see, but also see their street scenes. Downloadable software and tutorials at the bottom of the article


For friends who like to travel, they will often use them. Before we travel, we can look at the panorama of places we want to go and the scenery of popular attractions on Google Earth.

谷歌地球怎么用不了?打不开?(完美解决教程) 谷歌地球怎么用不了?打不开?(完美解决教程)

However, when using Google Earth, many friends found that they could not open it. Some friends can't even find Google Earth in the app store. What's the reason?

Why can't Google Earth open?

If we want to use it, we must first know the specific reasons why it cannot be opened. I summarize the following reasons.

1. The domestic network is not available


This should be the main reason. The domestic network cannot access Google Map Server, so Google Earth cannot be loaded. When we open it, we will prompt "unable to link to the server".

2. Google Exits China

Google withdrew from the Chinese market long ago and gave up Chinese users, so it did not have the technology to improve users in China, which led us to be unable to use it normally.

How to use Google Earth?

As long as Google Earth exists, we can find ways to use it. How? Here are a few ways!

1. Network speed controller

If we are using Google Earth and it is "unable to link to the server", it is a problem of our network. At this time, we only need to download a network j ஷ a speed controller to solve the problem. The acceleration node of the network j ஷ a speed controller must support Hong Kong, so that we can access it normally.

2. Download the cracked version

What is a cracked version? It is the version that breaks all restrictions. The software is still Google Earth. Just remove the relevant restrictions, and we can use it normally!


Method Tutorial Download

We have sorted out the whole set of Google Earth software download and operation tutorial. The software has an independent download address, and the tutorial is our exclusive video tutorial, graphic tutorial, not afraid that you will not be able to operate!


Android version+Apple version (both mobile phone and iPad can be used);

Computer installation version;

Operation method and installation and use tutorial of handle.

Full software+tutorial download address (click the link to access):

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