WeChat location to find people - how to locate WeChat friends through WeChat messages or friends circle?

 yuli March 13, 2021 10:13:28 Resource sharing Share findings comment six hundred and forty-nine one Reading mode

WeChat has now become an essential social tool for everyone. It not only provides convenience for us in work and life, but also enables friends and family members to know their moods at all times in a timely manner, understand their updates, share their locations, etc. WeChat payment is an indispensable tool for collection and payment in life.

The rise of navigation and map apps has also brought great convenience to netizens. For example, when we went to a strange place, we asked for directions everywhere. The scene of truck drivers asking people to lead the way at a high price is gone forever. Where we are going, we just need to input the place name directly on the navigation app, and everything is clear.

It is also very considerate that WeChat has embedded the positioning function, which allows friends to share location and send positioning information at any time, which is very convenient. How can I view the real-time location of my friends through the WeChat location function? How can I get my friend's real-time location without his knowledge? Here are specific tutorials for you.

  • Share location among WeChat friends

The built-in positioning function of WeChat is based on Tencent map, and the coordinates are also quite accurate. There are two ways of WeChat sending and positioning: 1. sending location; 2. sharing real-time location.

The function of sending location can customize a location and send it to friends. It is mainly used to notify the destination, not necessarily the current location of the operator.

The function of sharing real-time location is that multiple people can share the current real-time location. When this function is enabled, everyone can share their current location with other friends. The main purpose is to share the distance and location between friends. For example, A and B are in a strange place without obvious landmark buildings, Find your friends' relative position and distance, and then turn to each other's direction to find each other.


  • Find people through auxiliary methods

When your WeChat friends do not actively share their location with you, or do not know how to operate to send their accurate location to you, we can use other methods to obtain their real-time location. By sending a friend an article or red envelope with location, if the other party reads it, they can feed back the other party's real-time location to you. Of course, this method is purely entertainment. If it is used for improper purposes, the consequences will be borne by yourself!

The following describes the operation steps,

  • Scan the code first to enter the information generation page
  • Send your articles or messages to friends or share them with your circle of friends                微信定位找人-如何通过微信消息或朋友圈定位微信好友位置?
  • When your friends read the information, their location will be fed back to you through vx
  • Click on the information sent to you by the public account to show the location of the other party through Tencent map微信定位找人-如何通过微信消息或朋友圈定位微信好友位置?

  • This article is written by Published on March 13, 2021 10:13:28
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/5356.html
