How much is a genuine ps software? (The most detailed explanation in history)

Photoshop is a very common image processing software. Basically, we will use it for image processing scenarios, especially for some enterprises or companies.

For personal use

Most of the time when we need to use it, we will go to the Internet to find the download place at the first time. After looking around, we find that the downloaded pile is not usable at all. Because our processing frequency is not too high, and we are not willing to spend money to buy a genuine software, because it is expensive. It is hundreds of dollars. I just went to the official to see it. The annual price of the personal version is 888RMB/year. I believe that many friends will not spend money to buy, unless they are professional personal designers.

Here we share the free version that I can use for my personal test on the Internet, and you can download it (please support the genuine version, which is only provided for you to study and use, not for commercial purposes)!

Download address:

For enterprise companies

Companies and enterprises generally need to pay attention to copyright, because they are generally used for commercial purposes, so we should consider buying official copyrights here! But many friends don't know much about the price of the genuine version. Here is a small compilation to give you a detailed explanation.

一个正版 ps 软件多少钱?(史上最详细讲解)

The above screenshot is from the official screenshot. As you can see, the price directly marked here is only for the personal version, which is 888 yuan a year. However, there is no direct description of the team version and the enterprise version, only the contract period and the number of applicable teams. Companies and enterprises generally operate in teams, so we should consider using the team or enterprise version. How do we charge for it? Let's go on to see.

一个正版 ps 软件多少钱?(史上最详细讲解)

This is my screenshot from the official mall. The price of the team version is 2975 yuan, and that of the enterprise version is 4619 yuan. The official price is detailed. I believe that there are still many friends who have questions about this fee. Can it be used by more than one person or only one person? After I click "Rush to Buy Now", I jump to the following interface.

一个正版 ps 软件多少钱?(史上最详细讲解)

As you can see, there is a purchase quantity, which seems to be the price of one set (a little expensive), and the starting quantity is more than one set.

一个正版 ps 软件多少钱?(史上最详细讲解)

After filling in 2 for the small quantity, the order was submitted. When the settlement interface arrived, it was indeed a set of prices, with a total cost of 5950 yuan. I had to sigh that the price was really expensive! For individuals, few people are willing to bear these costs. For the enterprise version, the price should be calculated in this way. You can go to the official shopping mall.

Permanent use?

Many friends will be concerned about this problem. The official has not mentioned the issue of permanent use, which is based on how much the contract is for how many years. In other words, the charge is based on the annual package.

I hope it can help you. If you need to buy a genuine copy, you can go to the official website to learn more.

Official website:

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