Source code of fully automatic hook up moneymaking software (perfect operation level+random secondary development)

It seems that the gimmick of making money by hanging up the phone automatically has never gone out of style. Too many online white-collar people go through this process when they first enter the Internet industry. Open the website, it is inevitable to be attracted by those who make money by hanging up the phone automatically. However, from the perspective of operating projects, this is a classic money making project that uses humanity.

The full automatic hook up money making software introduced here is very suitable for friends who operate projects, because this system combines the current popular apps and websites as the packaging background.

Introduction to system source code

Development language: This software development language is easy language development, completely open source.

Software version: This software is only available on the computer side. It is a software for making money on the computer hook, and there is no app side.

Function introduction:

1. With distribution function and integral system;

2. With chat room, allowing members to interact online;

3. It is very simple to use. Click Start Task to automatically generate revenue, which is distributed according to the time and amount set by the background;

4. The membership level and income can be set freely in the background. The system operation is very simple and easy to learn, and the user operation is also very simple and reasonable.

Installation environment: This system must have an independent server and independent domain name. The Win system is used as the building system.

Mode Introduction


The mode is very simple. Free members limit their online earnings every day. To earn more, they need to open VIP members. Members are generally divided into several levels, which can be set freely. The higher the membership level, the higher the earnings per unit time. The revenue of friends who have opened members will be much higher than that of free members, so the temptation is also very great.

Packaging background


The background of this software package is based on some popular short video apps, live broadcast apps, post bars, etc., which help these platforms to get a share by clicking ads. The project background is reasonable.

Screenshot of software front-end

全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发)

Screenshot of software back-end control part

全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发) 全自动挂机赚钱软件源码(完美运营级别+随意二次开发)

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    •  one hundred and twenty-three
      one hundred and twenty-three zero

      How to download. Want to see the code

      •  tonyaaa
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        Let's see how it works. Can I take it

        •  Hee hee
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          have a look

          •  yifeng
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            •  The book opens from the cold
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