How to download station b video to the computer? (One click download software+detailed tutorial)

Bilibili (Bilibili) is currently a very popular video website in China. The content includes animation, music, dance, knowledge, life, film and television, as well as a large number of original videos of UP owners. The content can be said to be very rich and very popular with young people nowadays.

Why download station b video?

Many friends, because of their hobbies or learning needs, will download some of their favorite video content to their own computers and save it locally. It is very convenient to click it at any time when they need to see it.

There are also some friends who may be looking for materials or moving brick videos. They will need to download videos from station B. The official website of Station B does not provide a channel for video download. In fact, the official website does not want a large number of users to download videos, because this will cause the content of their website to spread to other platforms and lose their user stickiness.

How to solve it? This article is to teach you how to download b station video to your computer.

Method of downloading station B video to computer

Here I have provided you with three feasible methods, each of which is tested by myself and is really effective.

1. Station B video download software

Although the official website of Station B does not provide a download channel, we can download it through third-party software. Many friends may exclaim, "Is this all there?" It's really such software. Where there are demands, there are solutions. The software developer will also provide technical development support for the requirements of the aspect.

The operation of the software is also very simple. You just need to copy the video connection address you need to download to the video address bar, and then set the video storage location to download. This software can download 1080P HD video, which is very powerful.

b 站视频怎么下载到电脑上?(一键下载软件+详细教程)

2. Video parsing website

At present, there are a large number of video analysis websites on the market, which are just to solve the problem of video download. What is a resolution website? It is to generate a connection that can be downloaded after the video is parsed through the server of the website platform. Video analysis and download can realize the download of B station video, but the truly effective website platform still needs to be tried. Because the official website of station b will change its own parsing rules to prevent parsing and downloading, some parsing websites will fail, so you should try the platforms that can really parse and download.

How to find it? Ask Du Niang if you need anything! You can directly search Baidu for "video analysis website", and you can try one by one.

b 站视频怎么下载到电脑上?(一键下载软件+详细教程)

3. Station b video download

If you really feel that the above two commonly used methods are troublesome, there is another way to find a download agent. Download on behalf is to download videos for others. Someone will do this specially, and someone will do it on a certain treasure. You can go and have a look.

b 站视频怎么下载到电脑上?(一键下载软件+详细教程)


How to download the b station video is actually a problem for many friends. The above provides you with three ways, and I think the best way is to download the video software of station B. Why? Because the operation is really simple and very convenient. If you download a large amount of software, other methods are very time-consuming and may cost a lot. Software download is the most efficient method and is recommended for everyone.

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