How much is procreate? Are there any free ones? Permanent use after purchase?

Procreate can be said to be a rare painting software, which is very convenient to use. When installed on a mobile phone or an iPad, you can paint at any time and anywhere. Procreate is a paid software that can only be used by paying users. In fact, there are also low-cost or free installation methods. You can read this article: Free download of procreate painting software (Android version+Apple version)

procreate 多少钱?有免费的吗?购买后永久使用?

How much is procreate?

Precreate was relatively expensive before. It seems that the price is 68 yuan from 2018 to 2019. It's 2020 now. I went to the Apple App Store and found it was 30 yuan. The price has been reduced. Happy! You can buy at a lower threshold. The future price trend is not very clear, nor do we know whether there will be official discounts or limited time concessions.

procreate 多少钱?有免费的吗?购买后永久使用?

Is there a free one for procreate?

The official purchase is not free. The price can be checked in the App Store. However, in China, most paid software can be obtained at a low price or free of charge, but you don't know the method, such as cracking the version. However, procreate has no cracked version, but it can also be obtained at a low price. You can read the articles mentioned at the beginning of the article carefully.

Is procreate used permanently after purchase?

Procreate is a one-time purchase for lifelong use. As long as your mobile phone or iPad has been using the paid Apple ID, you can continue to use it, and official updates will be synchronized to you.

When is the pro create discount?

The official discount will not tell us in advance, and we can pay attention to it at any time. However, the total cost of the software is only a few tens of yuan, which is not worth the expense when it should be used. The main reason is that it can bring convenience to our creation.

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