How to use ins in mainland china? (Details of domestic ins tutorials)

The full name of ins is "Instagram". Everyone likes to call it "ins" for short, which is convenient and easy to remember. Ins is a kind of photo sharing that everyone thinks is beautiful. It is not only a photo sharing function, but also a social function. You can see the photos shared by the stars or friends you follow, and also share the photos you think are good. Ins is very popular in the world, many stars are using it, and there are hundreds of millions of users in the world.

Why can't I go to ins in China?

The vast majority of ins users belong to Europe and the United States. As we all know, China and many countries in Europe and the United States have poor relations, so the network may be full of unfriendly information to countries. It is also to prevent people from being biased by those bad information, so the country must feel that the advantages of blocking these information outweigh the disadvantages. Personally, I understand it very well and support it. However, there are some domestic netizens who need to go to ins for work or friendship purposes. What should we do? I have sorted out several methods for your reference.

How to get in ins in China?

First of all, we should understand one truth. The final reason for the inability to access ins in China is network restrictions. Therefore, we can successfully browse and access ins by breaking through network restrictions.

The following three methods are sorted out:

1. Network speed controller

In fact, we are not unfamiliar with the j ī a speed controller. On the contrary, we often use it in our daily Internet surfing. For example, when we play some foreign games in China, the network is often very stuck, so we can't continue to play such games. At this time, we need a network speed controller to help us play games normally. As for the ins, the domestic access is not normal. The j ī a speed controller can help us solve this problem.

2. Overseas server

What is a server? The server is actually a remote computer, just like our computer, but the network connected to the server belongs to the regional network you purchased, so we only need to purchase a set of regional servers that allow access to the ins network. When we connect to the remote server, we can browse ins very smoothly. How to buy? Look for a lot on the Internet.

3. Telephone card

The phone card here is actually a phone card that can access the international network. Generally, the network card in Hong Kong can meet our needs. After buying the phone card, we just need to plug it into our mobile phone, link to the network, and then go to ins.


The above three methods summarized by my editor are very effective and simple. This article is just a narrative, and does not provide any method guidance. Let's study it by ourselves!

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