Notability free download (Apple official channel, one download for lifelong use)

As we all know, notability is a very useful note artifact. Many people want it, but because of the high price, many friends give up. Apple's official purchase price is 60 yuan for download and installation. So, are there any other good channels to buy? Here are some good ways to download for free.

notability 免费下载(苹果官方渠道,一次下载终身使用)

Three download methods (Apple and Android)

1. Borrow Apple ID

Apple's paid app is bound to Apple ID. That is, if the account you logged in to the App Store buys an app, you can download it for free by logging in to other devices. Therefore, if your friend has purchased this app, you can borrow the other party's account, log in to your own App Store, search for notability in the store, and you will find that it can be installed and used directly at this time.

notability 免费下载(苹果官方渠道,一次下载终身使用)

2. Three party download platform

Now some software platforms also have the download and installation package of notability. The installation package can also be installed after being distributed by three parties. Here we recommend you to download it from PC6. Xiaobian has been successfully downloaded and installed.

notability 免费下载(苹果官方渠道,一次下载终身使用)

3. Paid purchase (discount)

If you find the above two methods troublesome, you can't do them yourself. You can go to someone who specializes in downloading software. Their fees are much cheaper than the official fees. As for how others can do this, if you are willing to spend a small amount of money, you don't need to ask. Our goal is to spend a little money to do things, and we can do it if we achieve our goal.

Download address:

Download address of Android phone or iPad:

Official download address of Apple mobile phone or iPad:

Downloading address of notability 800 sets of electronic manual account template:

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