Video tutorial of the conference from beginner to proficient x3x4x5x6x7x8x9 (Baidu Cloud)

 Watson Blog March 6, 2020 09:00:05 Video Tutorials two three hundred and eighty-three Reading mode

Huisheng Huiying is a powerful video editing software produced by Canadian Corel Company. The original English name is Corel VideoStudio. It has image capture and editing functions, and can capture, convert MV DV, V8, TV and real-time recording capture picture files, and provide more than 100 kinds of programming functions and effects, which can export a variety of common video formats, and even can be directly made into DVD and VCD discs.

Audience: post film and television, post editing designers, students, video editing enthusiasts, etc.

Screenshot of video tutorial

会声会影视频教程从入门到精通 x3x4x5x6x7x8x9(百度云) 会声会影视频教程从入门到精通 x3x4x5x6x7x8x9(百度云) 会声会影视频教程从入门到精通 x3x4x5x6x7x8x9(百度云) 会声会影视频教程从入门到精通 x3x4x5x6x7x8x9(百度云)

会声会影视频教程从入门到精通 x3x4x5x6x7x8x9(百度云)

Document Details

This set of tutorials is very suitable for beginners of Huisheng Huiying. The tutorials are detailed, ranging from beginner to advanced tutorials. You can download them directly here to avoid the trouble of looking for incomplete tutorials everywhere.
The total size of the content: 2G compressed package, the video effect is also very clear, and it is downloaded through the Baidu online disk link.


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 Watson Blog
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    •  Mr. Zhao
      Mr. Zhao zero

      Give download address :roll:

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        Really good
