Red packet minesweeping system source code (public account version+APP version development+perfect control of victory rate)

Recently, the red packet minesweeping system was very popular. Many friends searched everywhere and found a lot of low-cost codes. They got either a back door or a loophole. They were beaten to death. They also killed their customers when they didn't make money.

The system we produced here is an operation level system that has been tested in all aspects. Now let's not talk nonsense. Let's introduce the system!

Front end introduction:

1. The overall interface is designed to imitate the WeChat red envelope sending interface, with strong interface affinity.
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)

2. This set of system can enable the automatic packet grabbing mode, and automatically help you grab red packets according to the time interval and packet grabbing size you set.  
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)

3. The gold coin transfer function is also very practical. You can transfer money between friends to buy gold coins. Every time you recharge, you can use the platform.
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)

4. Recharging channel. This issue is also of great concern to everyone. We can connect to the visa free payment platform for recharging, and we can introduce the platform to everyone, which is very reliable.
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)

The front end is also very easy to use, and novices can also get started quickly. The functions are simple and clear, and everyone can participate in the play.
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)
红包扫雷系统源码(公众号版本+APP 版本开发+完美控制胜率)

Function introduction

1. Introduction to game play:
Click the homepage to send the red packet - set the amount of the red packet - red packet thunder number - send the red packet, and you can also rob the packet. In robbing the packet, Lei pays 1.6 times the amount of the red packet thunder number that the player robs. If it is the red packet thunder number that you set, it will compensate you for 1.6 times the amount of the red packet sent (0.1 times is distributed to the agent in proportion to 1.5 times the actual compensation). China Thunder directly receives the game balance, and there is no limit on the number of people who win the game.

2. Agent joining:
Click "Promote" on the top right corner of the game home page to get the exclusive promotion code, and others will scan the code and become your subordinates forever! You will get a high commission reward every time you play a game!
The subordinate will draw 10% of the amount of red packet for each red packet as agent, for example, the actual amount of 100 yuan red packet is 90!
Lei will draw 0.1 times of the amount as a commission reward when the lower level snatches the package. If the lower level grabs 10 yuan and gets 16 yuan, the employer will get 15 yuan, and 1 yuan will be used as a commission reward, which will be shared equally among agents at each level!
The lower level will also get 10% of the amount of looting as a commission reward. If the amount of looting is relatively low and the commission is less than 0.01, it will be calculated as 0.1.

3. The system has its own robot function, which can send out contracts by its own system, and automatically control the system of winning and losing

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  • This article is written by Published on December 24, 2019 09:00:28
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