Real experience sharing of mask park (still dreaming about free dating?)

Recently, an app called "Mask Park" appeared on the Internet. When I first heard the name, I didn't know what APP it was. I just heard a friend talk about it, and I downloaded one out of curiosity. At the beginning, I thought it was an ordinary friend making software, which could contact a netizen for a chat. Who knows

First of all, I don't recommend you to download this app. Why? Because some of the behaviors in it are not allowed by the state, of course, you can also use it as a normal way to make friends. Today we will take a look at the mask park app.

Real experience sharing

Just a few days ago, my friend came to my house. He is a dissolute prodigal son and likes playing. At dinner, he recommended the Mask Park to everyone, saying that it was very easy to make girlfriend here. At that time, everyone enthusiastically downloaded the APP. Now, everyone knows that China has a serious imbalance between men and women, with more wolves and less meat, so there are especially many single men, and there are not enough real women, so the Internet is very popular. Therefore, there are similar friends making tools such as Momo, Tantan, and people near WeChat.

But the mask park is far more than people think.

When I registered, I could not use it directly. I had to invite to enter. The application for invitation was also very simple. Submit personal information directly, upload your avatar and wait for approval. After passing, you can enter it to upload your avatar. The platform has provisions that users who have not uploaded their avatar will be automatically filtered out, that is, there is no opportunity to display you.

When I complete all the certification processes, I enter the home page and directly paint a group of beautiful women's faces. There are three plates: new registration, neighborhood and goddess. Generally, people nearby use more of them, or they can only look at women and men.
This app does a very good job for members' privacy, and it matches his name "Mask Park" very well. I think the following functions are very good.
Burn after reading: all the pictures on the platform except the avatar are burned immediately after reading, which is very good for some friends who want to protect their privacy.

Contacts: All contacts in it are paid to view, and they also need to recharge VIPs. The number of times VIPs view each day is also limited.

Private chat and connection: You can directly talk to the woman you like or connect to the microphone. Of course, these functions are paid.

Still dreaming of a free date?

This app is a little similar to the popular marriage website, which mainly uses the payment function. If you want to make an appointment with your goddess, you must pay to check the contact party. Of course, there are also some women who do business. I don't know whether the platform will crack down or not. Anyway, everything is paid.

How to download?

It is very easy to download. Apple phones can download by searching "Mask Park" directly in the Apple App Store, and Android users can search and download directly in the App Store.

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Comments: 3 of which: visitors 3 bloggers 0
    •  Little sun
      Little sun one

      This platform is very good

      •  Little sun
        Little sun one

        Very good

        •  Beef noodle technology
          Beef noodle technology two

          This is new
