WeChat sub system source code sales (pure open source platform+automatic callback monitoring)

 yuli August 20, 2019 15:47:56 Website source code comment seven hundred and ninety-six Reading mode

Source code of WeChat sub system

Today, the source code of WeChat sub system developed by the company is taken out for sale, and the friends who need to buy it will make money. This year, the company developed this system, also because of an accidental opportunity, a customer came to say that he wanted to develop a sub system. In this way, the company realized this demand and independently developed this set of scoring system.

System screenshot

微信跑分系统源码出售(纯开源平台+自动回调监控) 微信跑分系统源码出售(纯开源平台+自动回调监控) 微信跑分系统源码出售(纯开源平台+自动回调监控) 微信跑分系统源码出售(纯开源平台+自动回调监控) 微信跑分系统源码出售(纯开源平台+自动回调监控)

At present, five systems have been developed. Here's a screenshot. For others, please contact me to view the demo!

How stable is the system?

The stability of this system is quite good. The systems that flow out of the market all have backdoor vulnerabilities. If they are used for operation, do not use that source code. Once you use the system with backdoor, your website will run up and hackers will come to make trouble. This system is the one that the customer has run perfectly, from order grabbing to payment to callback, without any loopholes or bugs.

Is it open source code?

The code is purely open source, without any encryption. There is no problem if you want to do secondary development. You can do whatever you want.

System functional characteristics

  • The system has code merchant end, merchant end, agent end, general background, and four ends share one database.
  • There are two methods of order grabbing: automatic order grabbing and manual order grabbing. You can decide which one to use based on your own needs.
  • The third-party tool monitors the callback, and automatically confirms the callback by grabbing the collection notice from WeChat and Alipay, which can realize the callback function after a member's recharge.
  • The probability of card order dropping is very low, and the success rate is very high. Even if there is a card order dropping, it can also be manually supplemented in the background.
  • The agent has a separate data background. The agent background can add member accounts. The agent is the third level distribution income.

For more functional benefits, please contact me to view the demo system.

What language is the system developed in?

This system is developed based on php+mysql. Thinkphp kernel, so friends who are familiar with php are very handy, and it is also very convenient to open the second time.

  • This article is written by Published on August 20, 2019 15:47:56
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/3779.html
