Source code of Huadeng blockdog system _ development and customization of Huadeng blockdog platform system [one-stop service]

The Huadeng Block Dog is a good pet system. It has been popular for more than a year now, and the number of players is extremely large. A large number of new models will come out every year. Huadeng blockdog is a very good model in the past one or two years, and there are also some imitators.
So today, we also produced a 1:1 precision imitation system for playing with Huadeng Block Dog. The playing methods are the same, and we can also customize the development.

System screenshot

华登区块狗系统源码 _ 华登区块狗平台系统开发定制【一条龙服务】

华登区块狗系统源码 _ 华登区块狗平台系统开发定制【一条龙服务】

华登区块狗系统源码 _ 华登区块狗平台系统开发定制【一条龙服务】

Introduction to Huadeng Block Dog Mode

The Huadeng blockdog model is not complicated, that is, making appointments, robbing dogs, raising dogs, selling and making money.

  • Reservation: We need to have a corresponding differential. This differential needs to be recharged on the platform. Reservation needs to deduct the corresponding differential.
  • Rush to buy: the designated time period is used as the gun dog time, and everyone can only get dogs in this time period.
  • Dog raising: After the success of the rush purchase, we will enter the dog raising time, which is determined by the platform.
  • Sell: After the contract expires, the dog you robbed will be released, and you will be matched with the player coming in behind to pay you.
  • Making money: after the successful purchase, the players coming in behind will match the dogs released by the players above to the players coming in behind, and the players coming in behind will transfer the corresponding fees to the upper family, and the upper family will make money if the adoption is successful
  • This is how the pattern repeats itself.

Note: The advantage of this model is that all transactions will not pass through the platform. Players are very confident and attractive when playing.

System Introduction

  • Members can freely configure the benefits of pet name adoption and rush purchase time.
  • The platform has three levels of distribution revenue, and the specific data is also configured in the form of parameters in the background.
  • The management background can assign an account to distribute pets, and the platform can be customized.
  • The relevant parameters of each pet can be set in the background.
  • Fully automatic matching without manual operation
  • The relevant matching data, recharge records and transaction records are detailed and clear.

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on August 14, 2019 10:24:35
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