Zero foundation can also be solved! Full steps of free domain space application

In the digital era, having a website or blog of your own is not only a personal display platform, but also a window for social networking, knowledge sharing and experience sharing. However, for many beginners, how to apply for domain names and spaces is a big problem. Today, we will analyze the full steps of free domain name space application for you in detail. Even if you are zero based, you can easily do it!


1、 Choose a reliable free DNS provider

Before applying for free domain space, you should first choose a reliable provider. At present, there are many platforms providing free domain names and spaces on the market, but the quality and stability are uneven. It is recommended to choose platforms with high popularity and good user evaluation, such as GitHub Pages,, etc. These platforms not only provide a stable server environment, but also rich tutorials and community support, which can help you better establish and manage websites.

2、 Register and log in to your account

After selecting a platform, you need to register an account. Generally speaking, the registration process is very simple. You only need to fill in some basic information, such as user name, password, email, etc. After the registration is completed, you can start to apply for the domain name and space by logging in to your account.

3、 Apply for free domain name

In the interface after login, find relevant options such as "domain name" or "website", and click to enter the domain name application page. On the application page, you can select the free domain name suffix (such as. tk,. cf, etc.) provided by the system, or purchase a domain name with a custom suffix. If you just want to try, it is recommended to choose the free domain suffix to apply. After filling in the domain name information, submit the application and wait for approval.


4、 Create a site space

After the domain name application is successful, you need to create a space for the website to store web files and resources. In the control panel provided by the platform, find relevant options such as "website" or "project", and click to enter the space creation page. Here, you can choose different ways to build a website, such as using templates and custom codes provided by the platform. According to your needs and skill level, choose the most suitable way to build your website.

5、 Upload web file

After the space is created, you need to upload the web file to the server. This can be done through the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool or the file manager provided by the platform. When uploading files, pay attention to the file path and naming conventions to ensure that the website can be accessed normally.

6、 Configure domain name resolution

After the domain name and space are ready, domain name resolution is required to point the domain name to your website space. In the control panel of the domain name provider, find the relevant options such as "DNS" or "domain name resolution", and enter the resolution settings page. Here, you need to point the A record or CNAME record of the domain name to your website space IP address or alias. Please refer to the tutorials provided by the platform or contact customer service for specific setting methods.


7、 Test and publish the website

After completing the above steps, your website has been built. Before publishing, it is recommended to test first to ensure that the website can be accessed and displayed normally. You can use different browsers and devices to test the performance of the website in different environments. If everything is normal, the website can be published on the Internet for more people to visit!

Through the detailed analysis of the above seven steps, I believe you have mastered the whole process of free domain space application. Even if you are a beginner with zero foundation, as long as you follow the steps and practice more, you can easily build your own website or blog. Show yourself in the digital age!

  • This article is written by Published on May 21, 2024 16:51:29
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