How can I open the AliCloud domain name console? How to use AliCloud domain names

In today's digital era, domain names have become an important symbol for enterprises, individuals and even organizations to show themselves on the Internet. As a leading cloud computing service provider in China, Alibaba Cloud's domain name service is trusted by users. This article will introduce you in detail how to open the AliCloud domain name console, and show you how to use AliCloud domain names to help you easily start your network journey.


1、 How can I open the AliCloud domain name console?

To open the AliCloud domain name console, you need to first ensure that you have an AliCloud account and complete the login. The detailed steps are as follows:

1. Open the official AliCloud website( ), click the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the page, and enter your AliCloud account and password to log in.

2. After successful login, find the "Console" option in the upper right corner of the page, and click to enter the AliCloud console home page.

3. On the home page of the console, you can see many cloud products and services. Enter "domain name" in the search box and click the search button.

4. In the search results, find the "Domain Name and Website (HiChina)" option, and click to enter the domain name console.

5. Now that you have successfully opened the AliCloud domain name console, you can begin to manage your domain name.

2、 How to use AliCloud domain names

Domain name purchase and renewal

On the AliCloud domain name console, you can easily purchase your favorite domain name. By entering the keyword of the domain name you want, the system will recommend the relevant domain name for you and display whether it is available. After selecting the domain name, follow the prompts to complete the purchase process. At the same time, you can also renew the domain name on the console to ensure that the domain name remains valid.


Domain name resolution

After purchasing the domain name, you need to perform domain name resolution and bind the domain name with your server IP address. On the AliCloud domain name console, you can add, modify or delete resolution records to achieve fast and accurate domain name resolution.


Domain name security

Alibaba Cloud domain name console provides rich domain name security functions, including domain name locking, domain name privacy protection, etc. These functions can effectively prevent the domain name from being transferred or abused maliciously, and ensure the security of your domain name.

Domain name transfer and management

If you need to transfer the domain name to others, or perform other management operations on the domain name, you can easily do so on the AliCloud domain name console. Through simple operation, you can realize domain name transfer, filing, certificate management, etc.

Alibaba Cloud domain name console provides users with convenient and secure domain name management services. Through this introduction, I believe you have learned how to open the AliCloud domain name console and how to use AliCloud domain names. Alibaba Cloud can help you buy new domain names, resolve domain names, and manage domain name security. Come and start your network journey!

  • This article is written by Published on May 19, 2024 09:07:00
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