How to file AliCloud domain names? Alibaba Cloud domain name filing process

In today's digital era, websites have become an important window for enterprises to show their image and promote products and services. Having a registered domain name is a necessary condition for the legitimate operation of the website. As a leading cloud computing service provider in China, Alibaba Cloud provides users with convenient and efficient domain name filing services. Then, how can Alibaba Cloud domain names be filed? Next, we will analyze Alibaba Cloud domain name filing process for you in detail.


1、 Understand the preparations before filing

Before formal filing, you need to make the following preparations:

Prepare materials required for filing : Including scanned copies of enterprise business license, legal person ID card, website principal ID card and other certificates, as well as website name, domain name certificate and other relevant information.

Select appropriate filing subject : According to the actual situation of the website, select a suitable enterprise or individual filing subject.

Determine website service content : Specify the service type, business scope and other information of the website, so as to fill in accurately when filing.

2、 Alibaba Cloud domain name filing process

Log in to AliCloud account : First, you need to have an AliCloud account. If you don't have an account, you can register first.

Enter the filing system : After logging in to the AliCloud account, find the "filing management" portal on the console and click to enter the filing system.


Fill in filing information : Fill in the filing subject information, website information, etc. according to the system prompts. Please ensure that the information filled in is true, accurate and complete.


Upload data : Upload the scanned copies of the prepared filing materials to the system and ensure that the documents are clear and identifiable.

Submit for review : After completing the information filling and uploading, submit the filing application for review.

Waiting for audit results : The filing review cycle is generally about 20 working days. While waiting for the audit results, please keep your contact information open so that Alibaba Cloud or the Administration can contact you.

Approved : If the record is approved, you will receive the approval notice sent by Alibaba Cloud. At this time, you can normally carry out website operation activities.

3、 Notes for filing

Ensure the authenticity of data : When filling in the filing information and uploading materials, please ensure that the information filled in is true, accurate and complete. In case of record failure or subsequent problems caused by untrue data, the user shall bear the responsibility.

Timely focus on the audit progress : Please pay attention to the review progress in time after submitting the filing application. If there is any information that needs to be supplemented or modified, please follow the system prompts to operate in a timely manner.

Compliance with laws and regulations : In the process of website operation, please be sure to comply with relevant national laws, regulations and policy requirements to ensure that the website content is legal and compliant.

Alibaba Cloud domain name filing process is relatively simple and efficient. Users only need to complete information filling, data uploading and other operations according to the system prompts. At the same time, in order to ensure the successful filing and smooth operation of the website, please pay attention to the above mentioned precautions. Through Alibaba Cloud domain name filing service, you can easily obtain a legal and compliant domain name, providing strong support for the digital development of enterprises.

  • This article is written by Published on May 19, 2024 09:00:00
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