Does domestic cdn need to be filed? Use domestic cdn method without filing

With the vigorous development of the Internet, Content Distribution Network (CDN) has become an important technical means to improve website access speed and user experience. However, for many website operators, the question of whether domestic CDNs need to be filed has been puzzling them. Filing or not is not only related to website compliance, but also affects the selection and use of CDN services. Does the domestic cdn need to be filed? What are the domestic cdn methods used without filing?


Does the domestic CDN need to be filed

Yes, domestic CDNs need to be filed. According to the Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services and other laws and regulations, all websites providing Internet information services in China, including those using CDN services, need to be filed. Filing is a kind of regulation and supervision of network service providers, and is the basis for the legitimate operation of Internet enterprises. The purpose of filing is to ensure that network service enterprises operate according to law, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and protect the rights and interests of users and enterprises.

The filing process includes applying to the industry and information department for filing, submitting relevant supporting materials, such as business license, legal representative certificate, etc., filling in the basic information, responsible person information, contact information, etc. of the website, and uploading relevant materials for review. After the review is passed, a record number will be obtained, which needs to be displayed at the bottom of the website. The CDN service can be officially used only after the record number is obtained.

It should be noted that the filing is not one-time, but needs to be updated and maintained regularly. Therefore, during the use of CDN services, enterprises should ensure the accuracy and timeliness of filing information, and avoid website closure or fines due to filing problems.


The feasible method of using domestic CDN without filing

Select a compliant CDN service provider

Although filing is necessary for CDN service providers, not all CDN service providers need website operators to carry out additional filing operations. Some large, compliant CDN service providers have completed their own filing work, and their CDN services can be directly used by website operators without additional filing. Therefore, when choosing CDN service providers, website operators can give priority to those who have completed the filing.

Utilize overseas CDN resources

For some website operators who cannot be registered through domestic CDN, it may be a feasible choice to use overseas CDN resources. Overseas CDN service providers often do not need to carry out domestic filing, and can provide stable access speed and good user experience. Of course, the use of overseas CDN also needs to comply with relevant laws and regulations to ensure the legitimacy and security of the content.

Build a private CDN network

For some powerful enterprises or individual developers, building a private CDN network may be a more flexible and independent choice. By building a private CDN network, enterprises or individual developers can customize CDN services according to their own needs, while avoiding the cumbersome filing procedures. However, building a private CDN network requires high technical strength and capital investment, which may be unbearable for general website operators.

In short, complying with national laws and regulations and filing CDN is a necessary step to ensure the legitimate operation of enterprises and protect the rights and interests of users. In case of failure to file, domestic CDN services can be used by selecting compliant CDN service providers, using overseas CDN resources or building private CDN networks. No matter which method you choose, you need to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure the legitimacy and security of information. No matter which method you choose, you need to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure the legitimacy and security of information.

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