Tutorial on how to build a cdn server, hand by hand to teach you how to complete the building process

With the rapid development of the Internet, network speed and stability are crucial for enterprises and individuals. As an effective means to improve the speed and stability of website access, Content Distribution Network (CDN) has attracted more and more people's attention. CDN caches the content to servers in multiple geographical locations, enabling users to obtain the required content nearby, thus greatly reducing network latency. This article will introduce the building process of CDN server in detail to help readers easily build their own CDN network from scratch.


What is the CDN server

CDN server, the full English name is Content Delivery Network, that is, content distribution network. CDN server construction is a new network server construction method, which is to optimize the original network architecture services. CDN server is a complete and integrated network system, which includes four main functional modules: distributed storage, load balancing, network request redirection and content management. Among them, content management and network traffic management are the most important two functions.

The CDN server accelerates the speed by caching the website content at the edge of the network (the place closest to the user's access network). Then, when the user accesses the website content, the scheduling system routes or guides the user's request to the cache server nearest to the user's access network or with the best access effect to provide content services for the user. This method shortens the network distance between users and content, thus achieving the effect of acceleration.

How to build a CDN server

1、 Preparation before CDN server building (this article uses LuManager to build CDN server)

1. Find a server with fast access speed in China to install the LuManager control panel. For example, if you are in Zhengzhou, you can select Zhengzhou server.

2. The LuManager control panel supports Nginx, Tengine, and Apache, with CDN cache acceleration, simple settings, and powerful functions.

3. After tribal testing, LuManager CDN will automatically generate image cache for the acceleration website, and user access will no longer be the source website, but the CDN acceleration node, which has the best acceleration effect for static files.

2、 LuManager CDN Cache Acceleration Creation Tutorial

1. Log in to the LuManager background control panel, click "Add Website" and enter the domain name you want to bind.


2. Then click the "Optional" option, select "CDN website acceleration" in the creation of special websites, and fill in the domain name and IP address of your source website.


3. Select "Enable CDN common cache" below, and the default CDN cache file type is:


4. Multiple pages are separated by half width |, such as jpg | png | gif. Please do not cache the contents of dynamic pages such as php | asp | jsp | cgi | aspx. If left blank, the default value will be used.

5. The file type can be matched with a regular rule. To match the attachment of the dishuz, you can use php. mod=attachment (because the? It is a special symbol in regular, which needs to be replaced by. (click to enlarge)


6. After setting, you can see in the website management that the website CDN acceleration has been successfully created.

3、 Set DNS domain name resolution and enable CDN cache to accelerate access

1. Go to the DNS management office of the domain name, and access the user settings of different networks to different CDN acceleration nodes, such as the distinction between foreign and domestic users, the distinction between telecommunications and China Unicom users, and the distinction between search engines.


2. For friends who are using the US host, allowing users to directly access the CDN cache acceleration server in China will greatly improve the loading speed of web pages. This is how I set my Godaddy host to the CDN machine room in China.


4、 LuManager CDN Accelerated Access Effect

1. From the Ping value, after setting the LuManager CDN, the website user access is no longer the origin site, but on the CDN node.


2. With webmaster speed measurement tool, the loading speed of web pages accelerated by domestic CDN is twice that of useless ones.


3. View the website file management of the LuManager CDN, and find that the LuManager CDN has automatically generated an image for the source station on the server, and the static files such as CSS, JS, pictures, and Html have been successfully composed.


5、 LuManager CDN advanced cache mode and delete cache content

1. If you want to enable LuManager CDN advanced cache mode, please select this option when creating CDN acceleration website.


2. The advanced cache can freely select the index file of the website (default home page). The cache file is "misplaced" and encrypted on the node server, and frequently accessed files will use memory cache, which is fast. It is recommended that users who require high file confidentiality and access speed and have sufficient memory choose this mode.


3. To delete the contents of the LuManager CDN cache, you can set a password or leave it blank.


4. For example, if a tribe wants to delete a cache file, it can directly visit the website: Hash value&file=file name

5. Hash value algorithm: the md5 value of the password, that is, md5 (password). If the password is left blank, it can be deleted without verifying the password (omit the hash parameter)

6. File name: The file name is relative to the root directory of the website, and starts with/. If you want to delete the mydir/file file under the root directory of the website, use/mydir/file (we recommend encoding the file name with urlencode). If the mode is "file+memory", the file name is/lum_high_cache

Through the introduction of this article, I believe that readers have a clear understanding of the construction process of CDN server. Every step of CDN server setup is critical. In practice, we need to adjust and optimize flexibly according to our own needs and actual conditions. At the same time, we should also pay attention to new technologies and methods to continuously improve the performance and stability of CDN network.

  • This article is written by Published on April 22, 2024 16:45:50
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/32278.html
