Super detailed tutorial of MySQL installation and configuration helps you easily build a stable database

In the wave of the digital era, database is undoubtedly the cornerstone to support the operation of various applications. As a leader in the field of open source database, MySQL has won the favor of many developers and enterprises with its efficient, stable and easy to use features. This article will provide you with a detailed MySQL installation and configuration tutorial to help beginners easily build a stable database environment.

MySQL download

1. Enter the MySQL official website directly in Baidu.


2. Enter the official website interface and click DownLoads.


3. Find the following community version and community version for the small development of the first version, and select the enterprise version for the development of large companies.


4. This is the latest version 8.0. Because it is not stable, we use version 5.7.


5. Click here to find the previous version.


6. The number of bits of the operating system of your choice for version 5.7, 32 or 64 bits, will automatically appear here. Click Download.


7. Download directly by selecting the save directory.


MySQL installation

MySQL can be installed in two ways, Msi and zip. Here's how to install msi. The zip installation free version will be sent later


(1) Installation steps

1: Double click to run msi


2. Select Developer Default here to go directly to Next


3. Direct Execute


4. After installing the plug-in, click Next. The red exclamation mark indicates that the plug-in is not complete. You can reinstall it in VS.


5. Here we need to create our own user password and set the next

Select Default. If you need MySQL on the server side, you can select it from the drop-down box,

Port 3306 is the port number. By default


6. It is very important to remember the account password here!!


7. Here is the name displayed for the service. It is not recommended to modify it. Next


8. Click Execute to continue. If the card is stuck somewhere, don't panic. The reason is that the database does not match your computer. Just lower the version. You can download the 5.5 version. There are files in the online disk at the beginning of the article.


Enter the password to verify whether the password passes. The account password is the account password set above.






(2) Verify that the installation was successful

1. Run the start menu at the lower left corner to find


2. Enter Password


3. The welcome interface is displayed, indicating that the installation is successful

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 13Server version: 5.7.33-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

(3) Use the workbench visualization tool:

1. Find the newly installed mysql in the start menu, and click the workbench to open it


2. Enter the password you just set


3. Entering here indicates successful installation


MySQL configuration and optimization

Modify Profile

The MySQL configuration file (my.ini or my.cnf) contains various parameter settings for database operation. We can modify the configuration file according to the actual needs to optimize the database performance. For example, parameters such as memory allocation and number of connections can be adjusted to adapt to different application scenarios.

Create databases and users

After installation, we need to create databases and users, and assign corresponding permissions to users. These operations can be easily completed through MySQL command line or graphical management tools. When creating users, it is recommended to set strong passwords and change them regularly to ensure database security.

Backup and Recovery

In order to prevent data loss or damage, we need to back up the database regularly. MySQL provides a variety of backup methods, such as using the mysqldump command to export data, using third-party backup tools, and so on. At the same time, we also need to master the method of database recovery, so that we can quickly recover data in case of unexpected circumstances.

MySQL security settings

Firewall settings

To ensure the security of MySQL database, we need to configure a firewall to restrict access to the database. Through firewall rules, only specific IP addresses or IP address segments are allowed to access database ports to prevent unauthorized access.

User rights management

MySQL's user rights management function is very powerful. We can assign different permissions to each user to achieve fine control. For example, a user can be granted query permission without modification or deletion permission to protect the integrity of data.

Encrypted communication

To ensure the security of database communication, we can enable SSL encrypted communication. By configuring the SSL certificate and private key of the MySQL server, encrypted communication between the client and the server can be achieved to prevent data from being stolen or tampered with during transmission.

Through this detailed tutorial, I believe you have mastered the installation, configuration and optimization methods of MySQL. In practical applications, we also need to flexibly adjust and optimize according to specific needs to ensure the stability and security of the database. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the official documents and community resources of MySQL, and constantly learn and master new technologies and knowledge to cope with increasingly complex database application scenarios.

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