Which editor is easy to use? Article typesetting tool sharing

In today's increasingly popular digital reading, public account articles have become an important channel for many people to obtain information, leisure and entertainment. However, in the face of massive content, how can you make your public account articles stand out and attract readers' attention? Among them, the selection and skills of typesetting editor are particularly important. The following will share some useful public account article typesetting editors for you, and analyze how to conduct public account typesetting in detail to help you further on the road of content creation.


1、 Recommended editor for public account article layout

Xiumi Editor

Xiumi Editor is loved by many public account authors because of its simple interface and rich typesetting functions. It provides a large number of templates and styles, which can quickly generate beautiful article layout. At the same time, it also supports customized editing to meet personalized needs.

135 Editor

135 Editor is famous for its powerful typesetting function and massive material library. It not only supports the layout of text, pictures, videos and other elements, but also provides rich animation effects and interactive functions, making the article more vivid and interesting.

WeChat Treasure Editor

WeChat Treasure Editor is a comprehensive tool integrating typesetting, publishing and management. It supports one click typesetting, multi platform publishing, and also has data statistics and fan management functions, so that the author can fully understand the article effect and reader feedback.


2、 Public account layout and production skills sharing

2.1 Select appropriate font and size

The choice of font and font size directly affects the reading experience of articles. It is recommended to choose clear and readable fonts, such as Microsoft Yahei, Song typeface, etc. The font size is generally controlled between 14-16, so as to ensure a good reading effect on different devices.

2.2 Proper use of headings and paragraphs

The title is the soul of the article, and it should briefly summarize the theme of the article; Paragraph should be divided into blocks to avoid the accumulation of words in large paragraphs, so as not to cause reading pressure to readers. At the same time, use blank lines and separator lines to divide the content properly to make the structure of the article clearer.

2.3 Smart matching of pictures and colors

Pictures are one of the key elements to enhance the attractiveness of articles. Select the pictures related to the content of the article, and cut and decorate them appropriately. In terms of color matching, it is necessary to maintain the coordination and unity of the overall tone, and avoid too fancy or dazzling color matching.

2.4 Pay attention to layout details

Typography details often reflect the author's intentions and professionalism. For example, you can enrich the typesetting effect by adjusting the text alignment, adding bullets or numbers, and using reference boxes. At the same time, pay attention to avoid too complex or too simple typesetting, and maintain an appropriate sense of visual hierarchy.


The composition and editing of public account articles is a skill that needs constant learning and practice. We can make the public account articles more beautiful, readable and attractive by selecting appropriate typesetting editors, mastering typesetting production skills and paying attention to details. Of course, in addition to typesetting, the content quality of an article is equally important. Only by learning from both inside and outside and keeping improving, can we stand out from many public accounts and win readers' love and trust.

I hope that the sharing of this article can help you in the composition and editing of public account articles. Let's work together to constantly improve our creative level and bring more high-quality and interesting content to readers!

  • This article is written by Published on April 1, 2024 18:04:41
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