How does the WeChat applet apply for the store process? The latest store application tutorial

With the rapid development of WeChat apps, more and more businesses are beginning to realize their commercial value and have applied to open WeChat app stores. WeChat app stores can not only help businesses broaden their sales channels and improve brand exposure, but also provide consumers with a more convenient and personalized shopping experience. So, how to apply for a WeChat applet store? Next, we will give you a detailed introduction to the latest store application tutorial and store opening methods in the merchant version, which will help you easily start the journey of WeChat applet stores.


1、 Understand the basic conditions for opening a WeChat applet

Before applying for a WeChat app store, businesses need to know some basic conditions. First, businesses need to have legal business qualifications, including business licenses, tax registration certificates and other relevant documents. Secondly, businesses need to have a WeChat public account and complete the authentication of the WeChat public platform. Finally, businesses need to have certain technical strength or entrust third-party developers to develop and maintain small programs.

2、 Register and log in to WeChat public platform

Merchants first need to go to the official website of WeChat public platform, click the "Register Now" button in the upper right corner, and select the "applet" option to register. Fill in relevant information, including email, password, verification code, etc., and log in to the WeChat public platform after registration.

3、 Apply for an applet account and complete authentication

After logging into the WeChat public platform, merchants need to apply for an applet account. Click the "Development" option in the left menu bar, select "Basic Configuration", and fill in the basic information of the applet, including name, icon, description, etc. After completing the basic information, the merchant needs to authenticate the applet account. Authentication methods include enterprise authentication and government and media authentication. Merchants need to select appropriate authentication methods according to the actual situation and submit relevant certificates for review as required.


4、 Develop and submit applet for review

After the authentication of the applet account is completed, the merchant can start the development of the applet. Businesses can choose to develop independently or entrust third-party developers to develop. In the development process, businesses need to ensure that the function, interface, user experience and other aspects of the applet meet the specifications and requirements of WeChat applet. After the development is completed, businesses can submit small programs on the WeChat public platform for review. During the audit, the WeChat team will check the content, function, security and other aspects of the applet to ensure that the applet complies with relevant standards and regulations.

5、 Configure store information and launch products

After the review, the merchants can start to configure the store information and launch the goods. In the background of "applet management" of WeChat public platform, merchants can set basic information of stores, such as store name, store logo, business category, etc. At the same time, merchants can also configure payment methods, logistics methods, etc., to provide consumers with a more convenient shopping experience.

After the store information is configured, merchants can start to upload and manage products. Businesses need to set detailed information for each product, including product name, price, inventory, description, pictures, etc. In addition, businesses can also set the classification and label of goods to facilitate consumers to search and filter.

6、 Promote and operate applet stores

After completing the store configuration and putting the goods on the shelves, the merchants can start to promote and operate the applet stores. Merchants can use WeChat social properties to attract users' attention and visit the applet store through sharing with friends and public account push. At the same time, businesses can also combine preferential activities, membership system and other ways to improve the purchase intention and repurchase rate of users. In addition, merchants can also conduct in-depth analysis on the number of visits, conversion rate, user behavior, etc. of the applet store through data analysis tools, so as to continuously optimize the store operation strategy and improve sales performance.


Although the process of applying for WeChat app stores seems tedious, as long as you follow the steps one by one, businesses can successfully open their own app stores. Through WeChat app stores, businesses can broaden their sales channels, improve brand exposure, and provide consumers with a more convenient and personalized shopping experience. We hope that the sharing of this article can help you successfully start the journey of WeChat applet stores and maximize the commercial value.

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