Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise mailbox portal, enterprise mailbox registration method

With the continuous promotion of enterprise informatization construction, enterprise mailbox has become an important tool for daily office work and communication. Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise mailbox has won the favor of many enterprises with its stable, secure and efficient characteristics. This article will introduce in detail the access to Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox and the method of opening registration, to help you quickly build your own e-mail system.


1、 Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise mailbox portal

Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise mailbox entry mainly includes official websites, mobile clients and third-party application integration.

1.1 Official website entry

Users can directly visit the corporate email login page through Alibaba Cloud's official website. On the home page of Alibaba Cloud's official website, click "Enterprise Mailbox" or related links to enter the enterprise mailbox login interface. In this interface, the user can enter the account and password of the mailbox to log in.

1.2 Mobile Client Portal

Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox support mobile clients of iOS and Android systems. Users can search for "Alibaba Cloud mailbox" or "Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailbox" in major app stores, download and install the corresponding client. After the installation is completed, log in with the enterprise mailbox account, and you can send, receive, and manage mails anywhere and anytime on the mobile device.

1.3 Third party application integration

Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox also provide rich API interfaces to facilitate integration with other third-party applications. The enterprise can integrate the mailbox function into the enterprise's internal management system, CRM system or other office applications according to its own needs to achieve data interoperability and sharing.


2、 AliCloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox opening and registration method

To open and register Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox, you need to follow the steps below:

2.1 Log in to Alibaba Cloud official website

First, users need to visit the official AliCloud website and log in with an AliCloud account. If you don't have an AliCloud account, you need to register it first.

2.2 Select the corporate mailbox service

On the Alibaba Cloud official website, find the "corporate mailbox" service and click to enter the corporate mailbox product page. On this page, users can understand the functions, prices, preferential policies and other information of the mailbox.

2.3 Fill in registration information

After selecting the appropriate email package, click the "Buy Now" or "Activate Trial" button. Fill in the relevant information of the enterprise according to the prompts, including the enterprise name, contact person, contact number, etc. At the same time, the administrator account and password need to be set for subsequent mailbox management.

2.4 Completion of payment

After confirming that the registration information is correct, select the payment method and complete the payment. Alibaba Cloud supports a variety of payment methods, including Alipay, WeChat payment, bank card, etc., to facilitate users' flexible choice.

2.5 Mailbox configuration and management

After successful payment, Alibaba Cloud will open the enterprise mailbox service for enterprises. The administrator can configure and manage the mailbox domain name, user account, permissions, etc. by logging into the corporate mailbox management background. At the same time, you can also set mail rules, automatic replies, mail archiving and other functions to improve the efficiency of enterprise mail processing.

2.6 Opening and use of employee account

The administrator opens an email account for employees in the background and sets corresponding permissions. Employees can use their own account to log in to the corporate mailbox to start using the mail service. Employees can send and receive, reply to, and forward mails through the Web, mobile clients, or third-party applications to achieve efficient communication and collaboration.



Alibaba Cloud mailbox enterprise mailbox, with its stable, secure and efficient characteristics, provides enterprises with high-quality mail services. Through official websites, mobile clients, third-party application integration and other entry methods, users can access corporate mailboxes anytime and anywhere. The process of opening and registering Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox is simple and clear, and users only need to follow the steps to complete the opening. Using Alibaba Cloud mailbox and enterprise mailbox will bring more convenient and efficient office experience to enterprises.

  • This article is written by Published on March 30, 2024 16:06:03
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