Web front-end necessary software, ten necessary tools recommended

In today's ever-changing web development field, the front-end technology stack is constantly evolving, and various development tools are also emerging. For front-end developers, having an efficient and practical set of development tools can undoubtedly greatly improve work efficiency and code quality. This article will recommend ten pieces of necessary software for web front end, which I believe will provide strong support for your web front end development journey. The following is a detailed introduction to the ten essential software for web front-end development:


1,Visual Studio Code(VS Code)

Purpose: VS Code is a lightweight but powerful code editor that supports multiple programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has a powerful plug-in system that can extend various functions, such as code debugging, version control, etc.

Necessary reasons: VS Code provides excellent code highlighting, automatic completion and debugging functions, which can help front-end developers write and debug code more efficiently. At the same time, its rich plug-in ecosystem allows developers to customize the working environment according to their own needs.

2,Chrome DevTools

Purpose: Chrome DevTools is a set of developer tools built into Google Chrome browser for debugging and analyzing web pages. It includes multiple panels such as element checker, performance analyzer, console, etc.

Necessary reasons: Chrome DevTools is an important tool for front-end developers to debug web pages and optimize performance. It can help developers view and modify DOM, CSS and JavaScript in real time, analyze network requests and page performance, and quickly locate and solve problems.

3,Sublime Text

Purpose: Sublime Text is a highly customizable text editor, especially suitable for coding. It supports a variety of programming languages, with syntax highlighting, code fragments, user-defined shortcut keys and other functions.

Necessary reasons: Sublime Text has a simple interface and smooth operation. It is a good choice for front-end developers who like personalized settings. At the same time, its plug-in system is also very rich, which can meet the needs of developers.



Purpose: Atom is an open source text editor developed by GitHub and designed for Web development. It has a modern interface and powerful functions, such as multi cursor editing, automatic completion, etc.

Necessary reasons: The open source nature of Atom means that developers can freely customize and extend its functions. At the same time, it is also a cross platform editor, which can run on Windows, macOS, Linux and other operating systems.


Purpose: WebStorm is an integrated development environment (IDE) specially designed for JavaScript development, which supports HTML, CSS, Node.js and other technology stacks. It provides rich code editing, debugging and testing functions.

Necessary reasons: WebStorm's intelligent code prompt and quick navigation functions can greatly improve the programming efficiency of developers. At the same time, it also integrates version control system and project management tools to facilitate team collaboration and project management of developers.

6, Firefox Developer Edition

Purpose: Firefox Developer Edition is a browser built for developers by the Mozilla Foundation. It has a wealth of developer tools, such as debugger, network monitor, etc.

Necessary reasons: Firefox Developer Edition's developer tools are powerful and easy to use, helping developers quickly locate and solve problems. At the same time, it also supports a variety of browser extensions for developers to expand and customize functions.



Purpose: Postman is an API development environment for building, testing, and managing APIs. It supports multiple HTTP request methods and can easily simulate and debug API requests.

Necessary reasons: In Web front-end development, interaction with back-end APIs is essential. Postman can help developers create, save, and share API requests, as well as view and analyze API responses, thus improving development efficiency and quality.


Purpose: Git is a distributed version control system used to manage code and project version history. It supports multi person collaboration, branch merge, conflict resolution and other functions.

Necessary reasons: In team collaboration, version control is essential. Git can help developers track code change history, manage different functional branches, and resolve code conflicts to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

9,NPM(Node Package Manager)

Purpose: NPM is the package manager of Node.js, which is used to install and manage the dependent libraries and tools in front-end projects. It has a huge package ecosystem, including a large number of front-end development libraries and frameworks.

Necessary reasons: In front-end development, using third-party libraries and frameworks can greatly improve development efficiency and quality. NPM can help developers easily acquire and manage these dependencies and ensure the stable operation of the project.

10. Lint tools (such as ESLint)

Purpose: Lint tool is used to check syntax errors, style problems and potential problems in code, and help developers write more standardized and maintainable code. ESLint is a popular JavaScript Lint tool.

Necessary reasons: Lint tool can automatically check the problems in the code, and provide real-time feedback during the writing process to help developers develop good programming habits. Using Lint tools can reduce errors and potential problems in code, and improve code quality and maintainability.

These ten Web front-end prerequisite software have their own characteristics, and both beginners and senior developers can find their own tools. They can not only help us write and debug code more efficiently, but also improve team collaboration efficiency and ensure the smooth progress of the project. Of course, with the continuous development of technology, new development tools will continue to emerge. We need to keep our enthusiasm for learning and constantly explore new technologies and tools to meet the changing needs of Web development.

  • This article is written by Published on March 29, 2024 16:44:29
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