Google account registration prompts "mobile phone number can not be used for verification", a trick to teach you how to solve

Today, with the increasing popularity of digitalization, Google account has become an indispensable part of our life, work and study. However, when registering a Google account, sometimes you will encounter a prompt that "the phone number cannot be used for verification", which troubles many users. This article will give you an in-depth analysis of the causes of this problem, and provide you with an effective solution to help you successfully register your Google account.


Cause analysis of mobile phone number unable to be verified

1. The mobile phone number has been bound by other Google accounts. If your mobile phone number has previously registered a Google account, it may not be verified when it is used again.

2. The phone number format is incorrect or does not meet the requirements. Google has specific requirements for the format of mobile phone number. If the entered mobile phone number format is incorrect or does not meet Google's verification requirements, the verification will also fail.

3. Network problems. Network instability or delay may cause that the verification code cannot be sent or received in time, thus affecting the verification of mobile phone numbers.

4. There is a problem with the browser's language setting.

Exclusive account


Friends who need to use a Google account can click the icon link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, sell and delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell twice. Because YouTube is acquired by Google, so as long as you have a Google account, you can also use YouTube.

One solution to the problem that mobile phone number cannot be verified

After several tests, it is found that this problem has a lot to do with the browser language. In the browser settings, we can find advanced functions and select languages.

Here we can see that the language of the browser is "Chinese (Simplified)".

We click Add Language to select English.

After adding English, delete the simplified Chinese. Just leave English.

After completing the above settings, close the browser and re open the registration page. We will re register according to the above steps. When it comes to phone verification, you will be surprised to find that the SMS verification code is acceptable.

Suggestions for avoiding mobile number verification problems

In order to avoid the problem that your mobile phone number cannot be verified when you register your Google account, we recommend that you carefully read Google's account registration regulations before registering to ensure that you understand and comply with the relevant regulations. At the same time, it is recommended that you use the commonly used mobile phone number and email address when registering, so as to facilitate the receipt of verification codes and subsequent account management.

In addition, maintaining the stability of the network environment is also an important part of avoiding verification problems. During the registration process, try to select a period of time with good network environment for operation, and avoid verification when the network is unstable or delayed.

The problem of "mobile phone number cannot be used for verification" when registering Google account is really a headache, but as long as we understand the cause of the problem and take effective solutions, we can successfully solve this problem. Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have a clear understanding of how to solve the problem that mobile phone numbers cannot be verified. In the future Google account registration process, if you encounter similar problems, you can try the methods provided in this article. I believe it will help you to successfully register and enjoy the convenient services brought by Google.

  • This article is written by Published on March 25, 2024 17:00:42
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