How to make the circle of friends unopened? Steps for setting WeChat friend circle closed to the public

In this era of information explosion, WeChat circle of friends has become an indispensable part of our daily life. However, sometimes we may hope that the content of our circle of friends will not be seen by the outside world, so as to maintain privacy and peace. So, how to set the WeChat circle of friends closed to the public and make it "unopened"? Next, let's discuss this problem and master the steps of setting WeChat friends circle closed to the public.

1、 Understand the privacy settings of WeChat friends circle

Before setting, we need to know the privacy settings of WeChat friends circle. WeChat provides a wealth of privacy setting options, allowing us to adjust the visible range of our circle of friends according to our own needs. These settings include: who is allowed to see my circle of friends, who is not allowed to see his circle of friends, and who is allowed to see ten circles of friends. By reasonably adjusting these settings, we can effectively control the openness of our circle of friends.


2、 Specific steps to set up a closed circle of friends

2.1 Open WeChat and enter the "I" page;

2.2 First, we need to open the WeChat application, and then click the "I" icon in the bottom navigation bar to enter the personal information page;

2.3 Enter the "Settings" option;

2.4 On the personal information page, we need to find and click the "Settings" option. This option is usually located in the upper right corner of the page and is a gear shaped icon;

2.5 Select the "Privacy" setting;

2.6 In the setting page, we need to find and click the "Privacy" option. This option is usually located in the upper middle of the page to manage our privacy settings;

2.7 Adjust relevant settings of "Friends Circle";


On the privacy setting page, we can see several setting options related to the circle of friends. In order to set the circle of friends closed to the public, We need to focus on the following settings:

a, Turn off the "Allow strangers to view ten circles of friends" option. This option allows strangers to view our ten recently released friend circle updates. If we want to completely hide our circle of friends, we need to turn off this option.

b, Adjust the "Allow who to see my circle of friends" setting. In this option, we can choose who is allowed to view our circle of friends. In order to achieve the effect of not opening to the outside world, we can choose "only visible to ourselves", so that only we can see the content of the circle of friends.

c, Consider turning off the "Don't look at his circle of friends" function. This function allows us to block some people's friend circle. Although this is not directly related to the opening to the outside world setting, turning off this function can prevent us from inadvertently seeing the content we don't want to see, and keep the circle of friends clean.

d, Save and exit settings.

After completing the above settings, we need to click the "Save" or "Finish" button in the upper right corner of the page to ensure that the settings take effect. Then, we can exit the setting page and return to the main WeChat interface.


3、 Precautions

In the process of setting up a closed circle of friends, We need to pay attention to the following points:

3.1 Regularly check the privacy settings to ensure that the settings have not changed due to software updates and other reasons.

3.2 Handle friend requests from strangers carefully to avoid disclosing personal information.

3.3 Respect the privacy of others and do not pry into the content of others' circle of friends.


Through the above steps, we can easily set our WeChat friends circle to a closed state to protect our privacy and information security. In this era of information flooding, it is particularly important to master the correct privacy setting methods. I hope this article can provide you with useful reference and help you better manage your WeChat circle of friends.

  • This article is written by Published on March 22, 2024 16:46:38
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