How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

 yuli June 10, 2019 17:24:12 The Book of Revelation one one hundred and thirteen one Reading mode

It has been a while since we operated vx public hao. Today, we don't share mobile phone and computer skills, but some operating skills related to vx public hao - how to download cover pictures, article pictures, videos, and audio from vx articles resources? Maybe, for some people who may have some help, please consciously bypass the operation god!

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

First, we need to copy the link of the article below, and then open the link on the computer. See the following figure for the link acquisition method ↓↓↓

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

1、 Get pictures in the text

When we save the pictures in vx articles, we may encounter that the saved pictures cannot be opened because the saved pictures are not in the correct format.

The correct way to get an image: Right click on the image and select "Copy image address" or "Open in new tab". Then, jpeg/jpg/gif After deleting the string, re open it and save it. If the image is not deleted, the saved image is in web format and cannot be uploaded or opened.

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

2、 Get cover picture

Open the article with a browser, right click and select "View Web Page Source Code", then press the shortcut key "Ctrl+F" to search for the keyword "var msg" (with a space in the middle), find the link after cdn_url is the link address of the cover image, open the link and save the image directly.

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

(You can also use the shortcut key "Ctrl+U" to quickly open)

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

The link address behind "cdn_url_1_1" and "cdn_url_235_1" is the cover picture when sharing an article. The picture scale is 1:1 and 2.35:1 respectively

3、 Get the video in the text

Similar to getting the cover picture, we can right click and select "View the web page source code", and then search for "". We will find many links containing keywords. We can open the links to check whether they are the videos we want. If they are, we can use our article "Tencent videos do not need format conversion, and download them directly to MP4 format!!" Download the video.

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

4、 Get audio in the text

Open the article in the browser, right click and select "Check" (Google Browser is "Check", 360 Security Browser is "Review Element", different browsers call it different), select "Network", then select "Media", and then we play the audio pause, we will see a new string below, which is the audio link we want, We can open the download in the new tab~

 How to download WeChat official account cover pictures, videos and audio resources? No software required!

  • This article is written by Published on June 10, 2019 17:24:12
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
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    •  Affiliation of constructor
      Affiliation of constructor one

      Perfect!!! Try it now. Thank you.
