28 practical Taobao shop promotion tips~

In addition to paid promotion, Taobao also has other promotion methods, such as soft article promotion, baby recommendation, etc. The following editor of Time Fortune briefly introduces some promotion tips for Taobao online stores, hoping to help Taobao stores get free traffic.

28 个实用淘宝店铺推广小技巧!~

1. Personal signature and portrait.

The forum is the best place to promote Taobao stores, and the most popular place is to talk about experience, so it is very important to have your own unique personal signature and avatar in the forum! It is better to have a novel and unique design that can highlight the advantages of your store, so as to attract customers into your store.

2. Send essence and reply.

The role of the essence post must be that I don't need to say more here. It can not only earn silver coins, but also double the number of visitors to the store. More importantly, we can learn more from the exchange with everyone, so as to achieve the effect of common progress! However, it is difficult to post essence posts after all. Most people are still used to replying on the forum. In fact, returning a good post can also effectively improve the browsing volume of the store, which requires everyone to read and reply carefully. The words such as "support, pass by", "sit down and take a look", "the building owner writes well and heads up" are not enough to attract everyone. It is better to answer the consultation posts realistically; The depressed building owner should also be comforted; Can put forward their own views on the posts of writing experience together share ... In short, we should pay attention. Then enlarge the font, choose a striking color, add a little expression, etc. Although it is troublesome, the effect will be much better than the general quick reply!

3. Shop decoration.

shop renovation It is also critical. Create a comfortable shopping environment for customers. If they are willing to stay in your store for a while, your chances of successful transactions will be greater. It is better to make the decoration uniform and harmonious in color, match with your own goods, and highlight your personality. As for the shop decoration, you can also follow the tutorial in the forum or ask others to do it. If it achieves the effect of "brightening the eyes", it is basically OK!

4. Store name.

The name of the store should also pay attention to its characteristics, which is the most important thing for people to remember! It is simple and clear, so that people can know what you are selling at a glance. If you are a grocery store, you'd better highlight your "flagship product"

5. Friendly connection.

It is unknown how much this connection can do, but you can't ignore the window of this connection. It is basically difficult for novice sellers to connect with diamond sellers, so it is recommended that you choose novice sellers who are in the same industry, have great development potential, and work hard to connect with each other. It is also a good way to make progress together.

6. Leave a message in someone else's shop.

We can choose some diamond shops with a large number of visitors to leave messages, but remember not to recommend your own baby too directly. You can praise others' baby first, and then get down to business. For example, "My shop also has a new store, welcome to have a look", or "My shop has a very good activity recently, And then deleted

7. Join the business alliance.

Taobao has its own unique business alliance, which is a favorable backing for sellers. The publicity is also very strong, but everyone should pay attention not to join those business alliances that are mutually exclusive. This is illegal, and it is not good to be complained about and hyped.

8. Baby keyword.

Many buyers will use keywords to search for the treasures they want. We should also make good use of baby keywords, list the keywords related to our baby, and then search to see which keywords are more likely to be found.

9. Window recommendations.

You must have noticed that the closer you get to the shelf, the more you put the baby in front. So we should try our best to leave the recommendation position for the baby to be taken off the shelf, but it is better not to rank first, because all buyers have the mentality of shopping around, and the first one may not attract attention.

10. Recommended by baby.

Each shopkeeper has 6 baby recommendation seats. When a buyer looks at your description of a baby, he or she will more or less notice the above baby recommendation.

11. Red envelope, one yuan auction.

This method is basically a way of losing money, but it is still helpful to increase the number of store views.

12. Wangwang settings.

When setting up Wangwang's automatic response, don't directly say "the shopkeeper is not here, please leave a message" and other words that have little publicity effect. You can briefly introduce some of your newly launched treasures or featured treasures to attract customers to visit the store. You can also set the status of Wangwang to rolling, so that when you chat with others, you are also promoting your store virtually.

13. Go to see more purchasing information.

In the purchase information, you can take the initiative to find buyers who need your products, which will be more targeted and get twice the result with half the effort.

14. Log in to the search engine.

Register your store on famous search websites such as Baidu, Yisou, Yahoo, and let more people notice you!

15. Super buyer show.

If your product is really good, you can encourage your regular customers or your friends to show your product, and then insert a link in the description of the relevant product, so that advertising for yourself is not against the rules, and the effect is also very good~

16. Preferential information area.

Go to the preferential information area of Alipay community to publish your products, which is also not against the rules, but pay attention to the rules before posting. It's mainly about product descriptions, pictures and Alipay buttons, which are easy to learn.

17. Evaluation.

In fact, you can also make a publicity for yourself when evaluating others. If we simply say "the other party is a good buyer" or "hope there will be cooperation opportunities next time", the publicity effect will not be obvious. We can add a few words at the end, such as "the store is new to ********************************************************************************.

18. Release more new products.

If there are new products on the shelves, there will always be more people watching them. If there are more things in the store, there will be a greater chance of being noticed~

19. Open more branches.

If you have the strength, you can use your friend's ID card to register several more accounts on Taobao as your own store branch, and link back to the main store at the same time to increase the browsing volume, but you can't operate the same products, otherwise Taobao will be punished!

20. Go to other websites to open stores.


If you can, you can also go to other shopping websites to open stores, and then introduce others back to the main store of Taobao, but this is hard.

21. Advertising space.

If you have a lot of silver coins, just buy an advertising space, and you won't have to worry about the traffic.

22. Publicity by friends.

In daily life, it is also very important to use the publicity of relatives and friends. At least let them know where you are selling what online, and they can spread the word.

23. Use QQ and UC to promote.

QQ is the best because everyone knows that QQ has launched a QQ Zone, which is equivalent to a personal website. If you have 100 friends on QQ, don't at least 100 people know what you buy on which website? You can also join the QQ group to make friends with them. Don't oversell your products, or you may be kicked out of the group!

24. Personal website.

There are more and more self-help personal websites with secondary domain names. Why not turn your personal website into a website for advertising your own shop?

As for the websites that can be self built, you can search them yourself.

25. Use Baidu and Google to promote keywords.

At the beginning, you may want to test to see whether keywords can be profitable. If it is profitable, it is feasible. This involves the knowledge of keyword bidding. You can search on the Internet to learn. I won't say much about it.

26. Use blogs to promote and increase popularity. You can write a serial about the entrepreneurial process. I believe the effect will be good!

27. Use Alibaba's Taobao customers to promote.

28. Purchase advertisements for promotion.

Go to some large, medium and small websites that are related to your products and are popular.

The above is about the introduction of Taobao store promotion skills. If you have other questions or needs about Taobao store promotion, welcome to Time Fortune, which gathers online store promotion experts and has rich experience in online store promotion.

  • This article is written by Published on June 5, 2019 17:18:32
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/3041.html
