Over 10000 yuan a month, and used the auto forum to sell auto parts

 yuli June 5, 2019 17:13:18 Watson News comment one hundred and sixteen Reading mode

Many people have a big goal for themselves, which is to make money, but they have no idea. They just have a goal of making money in their mind. They are just friends with me. He is a car repairer and has the same thought pattern. He has only one goal, which is to make money. Last time I talked to him, he said that his situation is not optimistic and he does not make money.

I chatted with him and said that the prospect of the automobile industry was very good, and he knew everything about it. He knew that the most profitable thing there was auto parts. He said that there was a lot of capital pressure to open a physical store, so I told him this. He told me this idea, and today I will share it with you: friends with ideas and execution can do it directly.

With the rapid development of society and the improvement of people's life quality, cars have become an indispensable means of transportation in people's life,

I believe that many people who know the auto industry know that the auto industry has developed rapidly with the development of the times, and auto parts is a very violent industry. In reality, many people have already become rich by doing physical auto parts industry.

So how to operate on the network?

In fact, as early as a few years ago, some people used the post bar to conduct less strict investigation. Many people published posts on auto parts and the like through the post bar, which has made a monthly income of 100000 yuan. But now the post bar is too strict, and we have to find another way.

First, let's take a look at this post:

This auto forum has refined the modification post, with nearly 90000 hits in half a year. There is also a list of equipment below. Let's see the reply in the comment area:

I believe many friends here have understood the specific ideas. First, this is a Mercedes Benz forum, which means that some people here do not lack money. First, people who can generally come to the auto forum must be car enthusiasts, or people who do not know much about cars and want to know about cars.

For example, some people just like to study cars, which is one of his interests. Some of us like to read books after work, and some people like sports. These people are interested in cars. Another is that they have cars at home, and they don't know much about cars. They want to read other people's views on cars through the forum. Most of these are based on people who own cars.

First of all, we can take a look at this group of Mercedes Benz. For people at this level, they pay more attention to subjective feeling and quality than price when buying things. For example, the modification post of Mercedes Benz C-class car can be said that most of the clicks are interested in the modification of this car. What will they think when they see that the owner's car is very experienced and beautiful?

I think most people see that the first idea is really beautiful. Where did they buy these accessories? So there is a demand for purchase. In fact, there is a demand for creation from the perspective of marketing. In fact, many people do not know what they want. Most of the time, there is only one idea, but what is the specific need? I don't know what I want in my heart.

However, when most people who are interested in the motorcade come in and see it, they may have a clear idea of the framework they want. With a clear framework and the effect of the owner's modification, the demand for their own purchase will be even stronger.

It's even easier when you have a demand. You can leave a message directly in the rear comment area: "For example, friends who are interested in the modification of this car can send me a private letter", and send a full set of modification list and purchase address, because if you leave the promotion letter in the article, it is likely to be reviewed, let alone refined.

A lot of cars are OK. Just now we said that it is not necessarily a car modification, because people who can enter the auto forum are interested in cars, otherwise people will not come in. Because there is demand, the last step is how to sell accessories. In fact, there are many ways.

Way of realization

There are many ways to realize

1. Taobao customers

You can apply for an account on Alimama, find some high commission accessories in it, and sort them out. When someone asks for them to add them to WeChat, you can send them the converted link. This way, you don't need to transfer your own shipment to a commission directly. The commission for similar products on Taobao is about 30%, and car accessories like Mercedes Benz can't move thousands of times, But accessories can earn hundreds of yuan. If it is a list, it can earn more.

Open your own shop

In this way, you can open your own online or offline stores, but whether online or offline is the most suitable for offline stores or there are people who operate similar products, after all, auto parts are still a little expensive. If you purchase in batches, it is really hard to play without any capital. Online stores can be directly channeled to your own stores as stores specializing in auto parts. Increase the flow and popularity of the store. Of course, there are many kinds of sales methods. I will not give examples one by one.

Posting precautions

First of all, posting should be true, and people should not think that you have false elements. Otherwise, people can look at it as fake. They can add some pictures of the modification process, which can greatly improve the trust. Maybe many people say that I can't afford to buy a Mercedes Benz to post, and can't afford to sell a Mercedes Benz. We can be Taobao customers. As for posting, we can't copy it, Different forums can learn from the essence of the post, and then send it to the next forum

  • This article is written by Published on June 5, 2019 17:13:18
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