American ios account is free, and the latest share in 2024

Apple ID is very important for users of Apple products, and it is also an account that must be logged in for software download. However, sometimes it is also regional, so foreign accounts can have better resources. Now we will share the account sharing about Apple ID in the United States. If necessary, please refer to the following.


American ios account is free

1. American Apple ID account:

Password: Le556677

2. Korean Apple ID account:

Password: Aw112211

3. Japanese ID account:

Password: Le885511

4. Hong Kong Apple ID account:

Password: Le885511


Usage of overseas ID account

Step 1: Open the iPhone iPhone, enter the desktop, find the App Store, and click Enter.

Step 2: click the small avatar at the top right corner of the home page to enter the personal home page, then pull the page down to the bottom, and click the Exit Personal ID button.

Step 3: Enter any of the above ID accounts and passwords into the dialog box. It is recommended to log in by copying and pasting.

Step 4: After clicking the login button, if a pop-up window appears, please select other options, do not upgrade, and skip dual authentication to successfully log in.

matters needing attention

1. Don't set iCloud login!!! You can only log in to the App Store, or your phone will be locked once the account is locked.

2. Do not modify the account information in the account, which may lead to the ID being blocked.

3. Shared ID can only be used to download free APP. If you want to get paid apps or recharge, please purchase a private and exclusive ID account.

4. Exit immediately after use, and do not hinder others from continuing to use.

How to recharge overseas ID

To recharge the overseas Apple ID, the payment method of the corresponding country must be bound, but most Chinese people do not have it, so you can purchase a game exchange code or gift card online to recharge. Remember not to recharge in the shared ID we provide you!

If you need to, you can refer to the account sharing in this article. Then you can click the link above to buy, and you can immediately have a secure exclusive account. I hope this article can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on February 23, 2024 15:18:49
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