How to do SEO for novices, and how to share the introductory knowledge of SEO

In today's increasingly important digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) has become a necessary skill for many enterprises and individuals to increase website exposure and attract potential customers. For beginners, how to get started with SEO and master its basic knowledge? Now we will give you a detailed answer. If you want to know anything, please refer to the introduction of this article.


1、 Understand the basic concepts of SEO

Before learning SEO, you need to know what SEO is. In short, SEO is to improve the ranking of websites in search engines by optimizing website structure, content, external links and other means, so as to increase website exposure and traffic. SEO is divided into two parts: optimization inside the website and optimization outside the website. The optimization inside the website mainly includes website structure, content quality, keyword layout, etc., while the optimization outside the website mainly focuses on the construction and maintenance of external links.

2、 Keyword research and layout

Keywords are the query words entered by users in search engines. Therefore, the research and layout of keywords are the core of SEO. Novice can start from the following aspects:

Keyword mining: use keyword tools, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SEMrush, etc., to mine keywords related to website topics and understand users' search habits and needs.

Keyword analysis: analyze competitors' websites to find out what keywords they use, as well as the search volume and competitiveness of these keywords.

Keyword layout: reasonably arrange keywords in the title, description, body and image tags of the website to improve the relevance between the website and keywords.

3、 Optimize website structure and content

A website structure that is easy for search engines to capture and understand is crucial to improving rankings. Novice can optimize the website structure from the following aspects:

Simplify the website structure: keep the website structure clear, reduce the hierarchy, and facilitate the crawling of search engines.

Optimize the URL structure: use concise and meaningful URLs, and avoid using URLs that are too long or contain special characters.

Improve content quality: provide original and valuable content, meet user needs, and improve website trust and authority.


4、 Construction and maintenance of external links

External links, also known as backlinks or inbound links, are also important for improving website rankings. Novice can build external links in the following ways:

Look for cooperation opportunities: establish cooperation with other websites, recommend and link with each other, and improve the weight of websites.

Participation in social media: publish content on social media platforms, interact with other users, and increase website exposure and traffic.

Regular check of links: regularly check the effectiveness of external links, timely repair invalid links, and maintain a good image of the website.

5、 Use SEO tools and software

In order to optimize SEO more effectively, novices can use some SEO tools and software, such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrifs, etc. These tools can help novices analyze keywords, monitor website rankings, check external links, etc., and improve optimization efficiency.

6、 Continuous learning and practice

SEO is a constantly developing and changing field. Novices need to maintain a continuous learning attitude and pay attention to industry dynamics and technology updates. At the same time, we will continue to accumulate experience through practice, optimize the website and improve our SEO skills.

To sum up, a novice SEO needs to start from understanding the basic concepts, master the basic knowledge of keyword research and layout, optimize the website structure and content, and build and maintain external links. Through the use of SEO tools and software, continuous learning and practice, and constantly improve their SEO skills, so as to stand out in the highly competitive Internet market.

  • This article is written by Published on February 23, 2024 15:13:44
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