What tools does the ins in china need? Latest Instagram Tutorial

With the popularity of social media in the world, Instagram has attracted the attention of countless users with its unique charm and rich pictures and video content. However, due to network restrictions and laws and regulations, domestic users cannot directly access the Instagram platform. This article will reveal how to use Instagram in China, and help you easily play with this high-profile social media platform.


What tools does the ins in china need?

Magic Internet Tools: Magic Internet Tools is a technology that can establish encrypted channels on the public network. Through magic Internet tools, users can bypass network restrictions and access blocked websites and services.

Proxy server: A proxy server is an intermediate server that can receive a user's request and forward it to the target website, and then return the result to the user. Through the proxy server, users can hide their IP addresses and achieve anonymous access.

Social media image sites: Some third-party websites will provide image access services on social media platforms such as Instagram, through which users can access Instagram indirectly. However, it should be noted that these mirror sites may have security risks, and users should use them with caution.

Latest Instagram Tutorial

Step 1: magic link

The whole journey must have this!

Step 2: Software download

After logging in to the US ID, search in the App Store and download directly


Step 3: ins account registration

Registration number. It is recommended to register in the web version first. The web version registration is relatively simple, and then go to the APP.

Call the official website (www.instagram. com) and suggest using foreign mail to register. The domestic mobile phone number and email address cannot be registered. If the registration is successful, the user will be reminded that the account is illegal and cannot be used.


Click "Register Now"


Fill in the email address, set the relevant information and click "Register"

Age must be over 18


Check the verification code at the registered email address


Registration succeeded.

Step 4: Browse and publish content

In the main interface of Instagram, you can browse and follow the photos and videos published by users. Click the "+" button in the lower right corner to publish your own photos or videos. When publishing, you can add title, label and location information so that more users can find your content.

Step 5: Interaction and social networking

Follow the users you are interested in and give them likes, messages or private messages. You can also participate in topic challenges, watch live broadcasts, and interact with other Instagram users.

matters needing attention

When using Instagram, please pay attention to the following:

1. Follow Instagram's community rules and guidelines, and publish positive and healthy content.

2. Protect personal privacy and information security, and do not disclose personal sensitive information.

3. Avoid publishing content involving sensitive topics such as politics and religion to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have a certain understanding of the tools that ins needs to use in China and the latest use of Instagram tutorials. While enjoying the wonderful content brought by Instagram, please be sure to abide by relevant laws, regulations and platform rules to jointly maintain a healthy and safe network environment. Enjoy your journey on Instagram!

  • This article is written by Published on February 22, 2024 16:34:54
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/29732.html
